好漢教育 Hi-Mandarin 致力於打造一個連結專業服務人士和用戶的在線平台,專注於華語學習、在線輔導和身心健康諮詢市場。我們相信「做正確的事(Do the Right Things)」,尊重個體差異,堅信在彼此支持下共同成長。我們專注於為生態系統和利益相關者創造價值,最重要的是對彼此、教練、導師與學員的支持。
Hi-Mandarin: The Smart Way to Learn Business Mandarin
Hi-Mandarin is a quick and smart way for busy international professionals to learn the essential Mandarin phrases and cultural knowledge they need to succeed in business. Our scenario-based learning program provides everything you need to build relationships, close deals, and make a lasting impression on your Chinese-speaking counterparts.
Four Steps to Master Mandarin for Business:
1. Self-learning short videos:
Learn anytime, anywhere with hundreds of brief videos focused on business scenarios and customer dialogues. Tailor your pace, bookmark what matters, and enjoy engaging lessons that lay the foundation for your business Mandarin expertise.
2. Online 1-1 lessons with certified tutors:
Participate in 50-minute personalized lessons with certified tutors, following a structured curriculum to acquire practical and culturally attuned Mandarin expressions. These lessons encompass a broad spectrum of business scenarios and are thoughtfully designed to swiftly equip you with polished language skills, regardless of your initial Mandarin proficiency.
3. Last-minute review sessions with teaching assistants:
Secure a last-minute one-on-one review session with a teaching assistant to fine-tune your Mandarin conversational skills on specific topics, ensuring you're well-prepared for your upcoming crucial meetings. This last-minute refresher will sharpen your Mandarin abilities, boosting your confidence and performance in these important meetings.
4. Practice makes perfect:
Reflect on what you learned in your one-on-one lessons by reviewing the after-session teaching materials. This will help you recollect and solidify your learning, preparing you to apply your Mandarin skills in real-world business contexts.
Our mission is to equip international professionals with the Mandarin language skills and cultural knowledge needed to build relationships, close deals, and leave a lasting impression.
By fostering mutual understanding between the East and the West, we aim to create a more harmonious global community.
1. 週休二日、國定假日、法定特休、外加聖誕節特休
2. 勞健保與勞退(雇主責任部分)
3. 中秋禮品、年終獎金
4. 辦公室提供咖啡與小點
1. 混合遠端辦公 Hybrid Work 平衡 team work、work life balance 與 work from anywhere 的時代趨勢
2. 辦公室鄰近市府捷運站與市府轉運站,四通八達、交通便利
3. 如置身咖啡廳的敞亮辦公環境
4. 尊重個人自主性、包容個人差異的健康文化
5. 重視以人為本、以創造客戶價值為優先的經營理念
6. 不斷突破自我及現狀、掌握新技術新趨勢且容許試錯的成長型組織
7. 每週或隔週的 all hands 與 1-1,與團隊同步成長並獲取即時反饋
在 Hi-Mandarin 平台與團隊的基礎上,我們正計畫擴展第二事業體,打造一個全球化的在線市場,專注於個性化的身心健康諮詢與職涯/高階主管教練服務。我們的目標是連結專業教練與用戶,解決現代職場世代所面臨的新興科技與政治經濟體系劇變帶來的壓力與不確定性,幫助人們在身心健康和職業成功之間找到平衡與指引、能在人生不同階段闊步成長並享受各個階段的高光時刻。
Hi-Mandarin 是一個專為全球商務人士設計的線上華語學習平台,通過情境化的學習體驗,幫助用戶快速掌握在商務場合中的實用華語表達,促進更有效的跨文化溝通與合作。一方面賦能各個社會政商菁英能相互理解與連結,以緩解中美對立的緊張政治軍事局面;另一方面賦能全球各地非華語的專業人士,能在華語經濟外溢的區域市場發展動能中,獲得個人與商業的成功。