Work from home! Make better use of your free time! |
Hi!Tutor is a Taiwan-based online tutoring company. We have more than 17 language courses, including English/French/German/Italian/Spanish/Japanese/Korean/Thai…and so on. We are currently looking for Italian teachers who are enthusiastic in teaching online. |
Job Description: |
【Teaching Method】 Online Teaching Platform |
【Work Location】 Home-based |
【Equipment Needed】PC/laptop, headset and webcam |
【Working Hours】 You can plot your own teaching schedule |
【Class Type】 1-1 teaching |
【Class Length】25/50 minutes |
【Class Level】 Beginner~Advanced |
Job Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree or higher
Six months teaching experience or above is preferred
Fluent in English or Chinese
Teaching license/certificate preferred
Comfortable with technology and has a stable Internet connection
Demo lesson