HOMEE AI 為首創空間設計 AI SaaS軟體的科技公司,幫助使用者輕鬆打造室內空間。我們獨特的3D室內AI軟體,能加速全球的企業品牌與消費者快速完成室內佈置的需求及佈局,協助全球家居產業數位轉型。
我們的技術包含使用數以萬計開源與閉源、生成式與非生成式的多種不同 AI 模型、數千種空間場景、數萬個商品的資料庫,整合類視覺神經及語言模型,產生真實空間尺寸、影像,一舉突破電腦視覺限制, HOMEE AI 與全球 AI 公司包含 OpenAI 並列為能為人類帶來重要的貢獻,我們也被視為NVIDIA的重要策略夥伴。
「HOMEE 合宜家居」屬於空間運算領域 HOMEE AI ,是台灣家居市場上首個運用科技系統建立的 C2M 通路,應用 HOMEE AI 獨家開發的空間技術,協助消費者快速居家佈置,我們已整合破百家的供應商加入我們,提供兼具美感與獨特性的家居用品。
HOMEE AI is an international Spatial Computing company that leverages generative 3D models and AI with spatial understanding capabilities, combined with in-depth domain knowledge, to enhance the integration of virtual and real spaces in the home industry.
Positioned at the forefront of industry transformation, our product lineup includes B2B2C virtual space arrangement, OMO experience integration, and AI models optimized for the household industry. We are actively shaping the world's perception of the digital twin, delving into cutting-edge technologies such as VR/AR, 3D AI, and SLAM, and have been invited to prominent events like CES, GTC, WWDC, AWE, and Google Next.
We have established deep collaborations with industry leaders such as NVIDIA , Google, AWS, IKEA, positioning ourselves as pioneers in bringing AI to the furniture industry. There are currently over thousands of customers on our reservation list, excited to try on our product.
As we ride on the waves of technological change, our team continuously engages with the latest industry trends, bridging the future societies and emerging technologies and bringing Spatial AI into everyday life.
We offer stock options, flat organizational structure, and foster a culture of freedom with ownership, following the flexible pace of Silicon Valley.
Come and join us, if you welcome challenges and are interested in taking part in enhancing Taiwan's software standing internationally!
HOMEE AI 睿締國際科技旗下涵蓋 HOMEE 合宜家居、HOMEE AI 空間實驗店、國際平台 HOMEE CASA 等多元服務。
HOMEE 合宜家居 (https://homee.cc/) 電商通路攜手上百家製造商推出 C2M (Customer to Manufacturer) 購物模式,提供消費者向製造商直購家具,並應用 HOMEE AI 獨家開發的 AI 技術進行居家空間佈置,進而選購美感風格兼具的家居用品。
HOMEE AI 推出全台首間 AI 空間實驗店,落腳竹北,發展 OMO (Online Merge Offline) 全通路策略,推動 AI 落地應用,打造全方位數位購物體驗。實驗店集結多元風格設計家居,現場展示橫跨客廳、餐廳、臥室、商業空間等豐富選品,滿足民眾多元選擇。未來將導入 Edge AI KIOSK,透過 KIOSK 結合 Edge Computing (邊緣運算) 技術,讓實體零售轉變為高科技互動體驗。
國際平台 HOMEE CASA 提供海內外家具商串接,將旗下家具透過 AI 及 3D 呈現於全球消費者面前,藉由 AI 驅動精準銷售,民眾可於 HOMEE CASA 透過與 AI 對話獲得個性化空間佈置,涵蓋家具類型、色系、預算、材質、風格等條件,AI 將因應民眾所需提供對應空間設計與家具推薦,從設計到購買一站輕鬆滿足。
HOMEE AI 品牌願景希望讓全球每個人都能輕鬆設計理想空間,並將技術延伸應用於空間產業,致力加速全球相關產業升級創新與數位轉型。
HOMEE AI (https://www.homee.ai) 為專精於空間運算的 AI 軟體公司,攜手 NVIDIA、GOOGLE 合作,打造全球第一套 3D AI 空間設計師 (3D AI Spatial Designer),期望幫助民眾輕鬆打造個性化空間。
HOMEE AI 團隊獨家開發實時物體辨識與分類技術,透過生成式及具空間智慧 (Spatial Intelligence) 的 AI 技術,運用真實空間的數位孿生融合 VR/AR、3D AI、SLAM 等技術,推出全球首創 3D AI 空間設計解決方案。
HOMEE AI 使用技術包含使用數以萬計開源與閉源、生成式與非生成式的多種不同 AI 模型、數千種空間場景、數萬個商品的資料庫,整合類視覺神經及語言模型,產生真實空間尺寸與影像,一舉突破電腦視覺限制。
「我們希望讓全世界每一個家庭、每一個人都能輕鬆設計打造出心目中的理想空間。」-HOMEE AI 創辦人暨執行長 杜宇威 Kenny
HOMEE AI 放眼世界,致力讓全球每一位民眾都能輕鬆打造空間,並協助相關產業數位轉型,大幅節省傳統設計流程與成本,目前 AI 技術已應用至室內設計、房地產、建築等多元產業領域。
HOMEE AI is an international Spatial Computing company that leverages generative 3D models and AI with spatial understanding capabilities, combined with in-depth domain knowledge, to enhance the integration of virtual and real spaces in the home industry.
Positioned at the forefront of industry transformation, our product lineup includes B2B2C virtual space arrangement, OMO experience integration, and AI models optimized for the household industry. We are actively shaping the world's perception of the digital twin, delving into cutting-edge technologies such as VR/AR, 3D AI, and SLAM, and have been invited to prominent events like CES, GTC, WWDC, AWE, and Google Next.
We have established deep collaborations with industry leaders such as NVIDIA , Google, AWS, IKEA, positioning ourselves as pioneers in bringing AI to the furniture industry. There are currently over thousands of customers on our reservation list, excited to try on our product.
As we ride on the waves of technological change, our team continuously engages with the latest industry trends, bridging the future societies and emerging technologies and bringing Spatial AI into everyday life.
We offer stock options, flat organizational structure, and foster a culture of freedom with ownership, following the flexible pace of Silicon Valley.
Come and join us, if you welcome challenges and are interested in taking part in enhancing Taiwan's software standing internationally!
我們列舉了幾項你應該加入HOMEE AI的原因:
▌ HOMEE AI以家為本,每位員工都更像我們重要的家庭夥伴。我們致力於提供優於勞基法規定的福利與升遷制度,在歡樂的工作氛圍中,讓夥伴們能跟公司一起快速成長。
▌擁有全新豪華辦公室,公司提供全新筆電 Mac、人體工學椅或升降桌,讓夥伴們在舒適的硬體設備下能發揮工作效率。
2.提供彈性上班時間及 Hybrid Working:我們只歡迎自律且負責的人才加入我們。
3.提供全新筆電 MAC or Windows 等最新設備及人體工學椅:讓夥伴工作更有效率。
1. 初步履歷審核。