Hypervine helps the construction and extractive industries to turn site activities into measurable site metrics. By combining data captured from satellite and our mobile app Hypervine provides end-to-end accurate site data that brings predictability to site activities that save time, money and most importantly carbon emissions.
Hypervine is a small company, a very small company doing big things. We are a 5 team company, we also work with partners and contractors.
We serve some of the biggest companies in the UK and in some cases the world so it's important we do our best to deliver world class products.
We are a very collaborative company, we see our customers as partners, our customers are building huge projects and they need help to do it. We look to deliver so much value to our customers that they never want to leave us.
Building products is hard work but we love it and we hope you love it too.
Our Customers
We are primarily based in the UK and we serve some of the biggest construction companies doing some of the most important infrastructure work in the UK, water, energy - work that's critical to life. As such they expect us to perform to a high standard and help them get the job done. This includes uptime, new features, bug resolution and new innovations.
One of the best things we can do for our customers is listen, the construction industry has many problems that need to be solved but knowing where to start can be the hard part. Listening to our customers, monitoring engagement with the system helps us to understand how we can help them better.
When building for our customers we like to follow the methodology the British Cycling team followed:
“The whole principle came from the idea that if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into riding a bike, and then improved it by 1%, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together” Sir David John Brailsford CBE
This is what we are doing for construction.
The mission: create data standardisation, benchmark operations and enable net zero construction.
Grow with us
We want to help you find work that matters to you and that you care about, in a high-growth environment. We offer all the benefits you would expect, including profit sharing, and we try to extend the same benefits to our international teammates.
Working Remote unless you fancy a trip to Scotland Edinburgh were you can hotdesk in our office