【AI Lab】資深/主任 機器學習工程師 Senior/Staff Machine learning engineer

Job updated about 1 month ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

【What to expect】
Here at iKala, we are developing new algorithm and data pipeline which powers business decision in marketing and in-house analytic platform.
You will cowork with teams of working in Machine Learning, Data Acquisition, Data Scientist and Data Analysis to develop or optimize algorithm on large scale multi-modal data.

【What you will be doing】
1. Develop in house multilingual NLP models ( Chinese, English, Japanese )
2. Tuning and optimize algorithm to handle large scale data ( > 100 GB size )
3. Carry out ablation studies and experiments.
4. Read latest papers and implement state of the art model.


1. Master Degree or above in engineering or quantitative discipline ( Statistic, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Electronic )
2. Good communication and writing skills.
3. Experience in common machine learning frameworks ( scikit-learn, transformers, onnx, PyTorch)
4. Open to learn new languages (golang, C) and frameworks.
5. Comfortable working with Git.
6. Full understanding in Transformers and related research ( sparsity, LLM )

1. PhD Degree in engineering or quantitative discipline ( Statistic, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Electronic )
2. Published papers in reputable international conferences ( KDD, ACL, WWW, CVPR, ECCV, ICLR, AAAI, NeurIPS )
3. Past experiences in contributing to open source projects.
4. Experience in GPU speedup tricks ( mix precision, distributed training )
5. Worked in Transformer, CLIP or self supervised learning related research or side projects.
6. Desire to work in fast pace startup environment.

More info>>>https://ikala.tv/zh-tw/

3 years of experience required
1,300,000+ TWD / year
Partial Remote Work
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About us

【Empower Your Business with AI】

iKala 是一間跨國的 AI 公司,使命是「AI 賦能」,讓我們的客戶能夠以 AI 為核心來達成事業轉型、加速、及創造新商業模式的目標。iKala 提供以 AI 驅動的數位轉型及數據行銷整體解決方案,旗下有 iKala Cloud 及 iKala MarTech 等雲端及新零售服務與產品,服務超過 1,000 家企業及 50,000 家亞太品牌廣告用戶,其中包含多家財星 500 大企業,服務範圍跨越 190+ 個國家 (台灣、新加坡、泰國、日本、香港、馬來西亞、越南及韓國) 及超過 12 種產業,且同時是 Google, Amazon, Meta 等世界頂尖科技公司的官方合作夥伴。iKala 以顧客為念,我們不斷提升服務品質及投資創新研發,致力於為顧客創造更多的價值。


AI+大數據 + 雲端+網紅行銷科技,iKala 的產品是全球最熱門的話題和未來趨勢,加入 iKala 就是進入領先的產業和科技公司,與世界接軌不會被時代淘汰。


iKala 有彈性自由的文化,讓團隊自主安排在家或辦公室工作的混合模式,我們自詡為擁有高度執行力的團隊,一起達成目標及打造世界級的產品。

【政府認可的 AI 國家代表隊,妳/你不是一個遠端辦公室的小螺絲釘】

iKala 擁有充沛的公司資源,是一個具備彈性、速度、及創新的扁平化組織,讓優秀的你更容易一展長才,非常適合聰明有想法的職場新鮮人,不用擔心好想法被埋沒。


從新人訓練、主管訓練到內外部訓練,iKala 給予員工充足的學習資源,更有 1:1, L&D 人才管理制度,讓員工隨時檢視自我和互相回饋,達成目標的同時,也獲得個人成長。

(小聲講:我們的辦公室很漂亮,360 度環景鳥瞰市中心)


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