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Resumen de la empresa

Infocast 從 2014 年開始集結世界各地的優秀夥伴,是一個年輕並充滿活力的多元文化團隊。我們的辦公室位於中山區,鄰近松江南京捷運站。比起階級管理、嚴格勤務時間等制度,我們團隊更重視歡樂、有創造力、能發揮協作能力和生產力的工作環境。我們相信多樣性的力量,而這也反映在 Infocast 來自世界各地的成員們所組成的國際性團隊。為了確保能實現團隊的共同目標,不論何時我們都重視且優先考量每一位成員的意見。Infocast 具有非傳統式的公司文化,提供有競爭力的薪資條件、開明的管理政策和彈性的工作時間。

Infocast is a young, dynamic and multi-cultural software development startup; located in Zhongshan, Taipei City. Our team works in an environment that emphasizes fun, creativity, teamwork, and productivity over bureaucracy, hierarchy, and attendance. We believe in the power of diversity, which is reflected in our international team, whose members come from different parts of the world. Prioritizing each team member’s voice and feedback in every step of the way ensures meeting our goals. We offer competitive salaries in a non-traditional company setup, with an open-door policy & flexible working hours.

Productos o servicios

在 Infocast,我們開發具有延展性的程式軟體,並結合拖曳式使用介面來提供簡化資料收集及管理之產品。我們的軟體具有直覺式的數據分析工具,包含自動標籤、數據分類、圖像及文字處理、網址連結分析和資料視覺化等功能。透過一套獨特的人工智慧技術、自然語言處理工具、加上使用者經驗的改善,Infocast 以強大可靠的數據擷取、資料群組化與分析方法,以協助用戶將破碎化的分散資料轉化出條理分明的見解。

At Infocast, we develop scalable software applications that simplify data procurement and management by incorporating drag and drop interfaces. Our products provide intuitive data analysis tools for labeling automation, data classification, image/text processing, link-analysis, and visualization. Through a unique set of artificial intelligence, natural language processing tools, and user experience advancements, Infocast offers robust data extraction, population, and analysis, turning disjointed information into catalogued insights.


Infocast 致力於透過減少資訊挖掘的時間、開銷及技術障礙,以將網路中巨量的資料,精煉成具有意義與脈絡的資訊。我們的目標是為中小企業與個人用戶,提供與大型企業相同的資源;用以篩選、編輯並整合高度結構化的資訊,使一般使用者也可以迅速地取得及運用資訊。

Infocast strives to provide context and meaning to the vast array of unorganized information on the web by reducing cost and technical barriers in data mining processing. It is our goal to give the average person the same resources that large businesses have that curate and commercialize highly structured information, so the rest of us can find and use that data quicker.

Beneficios para los empleados

* 基本的勞健保,包含勞退
* 年年優於勞基法的特休,入職第一年即按比例享有 10 天年假
* 生日禮金、開工紅包、還有教育訓練補助基金
* 每年各3 天的全薪病假和家庭照顧假
* 彈性的上下班時間
* 年度身體健康檢查
* 每月一次Team Building活動
* 儲蓄獎金
* 可視情況申請 Remote 工作

Entorno de trabajo

* 明亮的辦公室
* 有活力的同事
* 有療癒的魚兒陪你上班
* 無限量供應咖啡與茶水
* 配備 MacBook 筆電、 27 吋螢幕,還有舒服的人體工學椅



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Infocast is looking for a data engineer to help optimize, expand, test, and maintain the data pipeline architecture across all of our databases and for our upcoming products. You will be working cl...
54K ~ 98K TWD / mes
No requirement for relevant working experience

Infocast is seeking a highly experienced JavaScript developer with solid understanding of React and Redux. You will be working and coordinating with the technical and project management teams on va...
55K ~ 90K TWD / mes
No requirement for relevant working experience