Social Media Manager

Job updated about 1 year ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

At Intenza, our commitment is centered on sculpting the optimal fitness experience through innovative design. Our people in the Branding & Communications Department are fueled by a creative spirit and a drive for excellence. We work together as a team across countries, time zones, and boundaries.

We are seeking an experienced Social Media Manager with a strong background in copywriting to join our Branding & Communications team. This position offers a unique blend of remote work flexibility along with periodic opportunities to work from our headquarters in Zhongli, Taoyuan. The successful candidate will play an integral role in building and engaging our client/partner base, and participate in creating effective marketing strategies to promote the long—term growth of our brand.


Responsibility :

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive social media strategy across various platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align social media campaigns with business objectives
  • Generate, edit, and publish engaging content tailored for each social media platform
  • Monitor and analyze key performance indicators to offer actionable insights
  • Act as the frontline brand representative by interacting with customers and partners
  • Stay up-to-date with emerging social media trends and technologies
  • Regularly conduct global market research to identify opportunities for PR and brand promotion.


  • Brand Management: monitor Intenza across all global digital/online touchpoint to maintain correct brand consistency with requisite feedback/action to key colleagues.
  • Stay up-to-date with emerging social media trends and technologies
  • With key colleagues, develop copies for digital and printed marketing collateral
  • Guide Intenza global partners’ marketing activity and assist in the use of marketing materials.


  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field
  • Excellent English proofreading and editing skills concerning grammar, spelling, ability to write persuasively, and communicate in the brand voice.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in social media management
  • Proven track record of executing successful social media campaigns
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Proficiency in analytics tools and social media management software
  • Outstanding communication skills are a must. You must be a team player with a group-oriented
  • Experienced with AI tools
  • Bilingual is a plus (Mandarin)
  • The ability to balance creativity with commercial awareness.
  • The ability to strictly adhere to brand guidelines as listed in the Brand CIS

Please provide content examples along with your application.

Interview process

2 years of experience required
40,000 ~ 50,000 TWD / month
Optional Remote Work
Personal Invitation Link
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500K ~ 650K TWD / year
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About us

INTENZA創立於2012年,致力於運動健身器材研發與設計,提供全系列室內運動健身解決方案,專業團隊包括創新研究、設計開發、產品製造與品牌行銷,自有品牌INTENZA多年來在全球銷售至六十九個國家以上,已樹立世界級的商用品牌知名度。 公司主要競爭優勢為創新設計、品質管理及優質客戶服務等差異化服務,在台灣與韓國設有研發和設計團隊,研發人員佔比為全業界之冠。2013年於台南柳營工業區設立領先業界的自動化及綠能製造工廠,榮獲建築金質獎,並為經濟部推薦工業製造4.0示範工廠,不斷改善結合環境保護與自動化製造理念。

服務解決方案皆以改善使用者體驗為設計理念,整合研發與行銷團隊,提供終端使用者各項創新、精緻化且高度差異化的使用者體驗,兼具工藝與美學的精品設計,榮獲多項國際大獎,包含瑞士Fitness Tribune Award最佳設計獎、德國PLUSX AWARD最佳產品獎、德國紅點Red Dot設計獎、台灣精品金質獎。 INTENZA團隊據點橫跨歐、美、日、韓,著重團隊合作,不斷地挑戰創新、激發團隊成員的潛能。我們重視人才的專業領域與分工以及團隊成員全方位的身心靈均衡發展,誠摯邀請願意接受挑戰和創新價值的各界人才加入。