1. 以「編審」工作為主要職掌,編輯、潤飾、校對英譯中字幕
2. 字幕編審工作高度仰賴英聽能力,聽力程度以接近母語人士者為佳
3. 於其他相關專案上提供必要的翻譯協助
4. 須細心檢查並修正字幕格式,以符合各頻道客戶需求
5. 須學習使用公司專用字幕軟體
1. 履歷須附500字「中文自傳」,並於推薦信或自傳寫明求職動機以及相關檢定分數
2. 應徵者通過履歷篩選第一階段後,須先通過線上測試才會由人資安排面試
1. 建議英文能力具有等同多益900分以上程度,聽力測驗近滿分者為佳
2. 中文詞語表達需通順無謬誤
3. 細心、文字敏銳度高
4. 良好翻譯能力及校對修編能力
5. 學習力好(需學習使用多種軟體、平台),熟悉基本Office軟體
6. 工作態度良好,適應力強,抗壓性高
7. 喜歡英美文化,熱愛收看電影、影集、歐美節目
8. 請附上相關英語能力證明(分數或成績單)
9. 如有相關經驗可附上作品集
Iyuno-SDI Group is a global entertainment technology and localization company serving the world's leading entertainment studios in dubbing, subtitling and media services with 67 offices across 34 countries.
We provide end-to-end global media services that enhance global storytelling through expert fluency, a seamless and secure experience and connected network. A technology trailblazer with grounded core values centered around quality and simplicity in an ever-changing industry. Using its sophisticated in-house technology for all product and service offerings. With over 35 million subtitled and 10 million dubbed minutes of content in 100+ languages, Iyuno-SDI Group is focused on connecting people, and connecting content to the world.
Now, we are waiting for you to join us to achieve our goal together. To find out more about corporate culture, please visit our official website: https://iyuno-sdi.com/