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集團總部 - Pizza Hut Marketing Executive/Specialist (企劃部專員/執行專員)


Job Description

Product Development
- Work with BM for NPD direction brief and follow development process.
- Forecast and monitor target achievement.
- Internal cross function management : application for system set up, cross function communication.
- Research: consumer validation
- Time management

IMC Communication & Media plan support
- Work with BM for communication brief and implement.
- Support TVC shooting preparation: coordinate with operation, R&D and creative agency.
- Supervise agency in delivering assigned projects on time with good quality
- Support IMC implement via own digital platform, including online order journey, explore opportunity via CRM, communication via PK App, LINE.
- Time management

Routine maintenance and ad hoc support
- Monthly review and sales tracking
- A&P management and consolidate
- Ad hoc research: triangle test, FGD
- Ad hoc call back set up and result summary.


1. Minimum education requirement
• BA degree in business, communication related education background.

2. Relevant experience and minimum years required
• 1-3 marketing experience, preferably in retailor, food & beverage industry experience.

3. Competence Requirements:
• Experience in ATL/BTL campaign development
• Good analytical skills for research comprehension
• New product development experience is preferred
• A proactive, energetic, and passionate approach to business with strong ownership
• A considerate team player, good communication skills for internal/external support
• Own great attention to details
• Self motivated with good learning attitude

4. Basic skills requirements
• Project management
• Computer: Proficient PC skills (MS Office related applications, especially excel)
• Language: English/Chinese fluently in writing, listening and speaking.

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1 years of experience required
Optional Remote Work
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Logo of 怡和餐飲集團_必勝客Pizza Hut/肯德基KFC.

About us

怡和餐飲集團為亞洲領先的餐飲集團之一,旗下經營品牌包括 KFC 肯德基、Pizza Hut 必勝客及 PHD,業務遍佈香港、澳門、緬甸、台灣及越南。怡和餐飲集團營運超過 1,000 家分店,旗下 25,000 多名員工擁抱多元共融,每天均以熱誠與顧客分享美食帶來的簡單喜悅。多年來,怡和餐飲集團不斷力求進步,致力推動人才、創新、協作及可持續發展。怡和餐飲集團為怡和集團成員之一。


  • 必勝客:必勝客為連鎖比薩領導品牌,提供美味多樣的餐點,賓至如歸的服務,以及創新的品牌經營,這些皆來自於我們對於顧客最佳用餐體驗的堅持。誠摯地邀請您加入必勝客大家庭,期待您能與我們一同成長、共創未來。
  • 肯德基:肯德基身為速食業炸雞的領導品牌,傳承桑德斯上校對炸雞的熱情和美味,堅持使用原塊雞肉及新鮮手作的製作流程,持續優化點餐體驗和提供顧客更好的餐飲品質與用餐環境,歡迎有熱忱的你一起加入!


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