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Logo of JEpoque .


Logo of JEpoque .
Logo of JEpoque .

Company summary

JEpoque深刻了解眼鏡在造型扮演的關鍵角色,與時下消費者對塑造自我風格的渴望,JEpoque Boutiques引進與米蘭、巴黎、紐約、倫敦零時差的潮流眼鏡款式,更從造型諮詢至驗光配鏡,提供最全面、精緻的服務品質

JEpoque取自法文JE (法文:我)、Époque (法文:年代) 兩字結合,JE (法文:我) 除傳遞JEpoque不盲從時勢的自信態度之外,更以眼鏡突顯自我的時尚主張;而Époque (法文:年代) 意指歐洲19世紀末文學與藝術蓬勃發展的黃金年代-,不論是表現主義、Art Nouveau新藝術運動、Haute Couture (高級訂製服) 皆是這個「為美而生」的大時代思維下之結晶。

承襲La Belle Époque精神,將美好年代氛圍,體現於眼鏡的精細質感與多變風格,就是JEpoque欲提倡的時尚態度。JEpoque首創集合旗下品牌所有前衛造型鏡框的JE+概念店,將為消費者帶來充滿驚奇的全新視野,延續JEpoque創造美好事物的核心思維,JE+ (JE Plus)秉持著探險家精神,為所有眼鏡愛好者打造一個獨特、創新、充滿實驗性、更能訴說自我主張,讓靈感自由馳騁的專屬舞台。

"JEpoque" is the combination of "JE"(means "I" in French )and Époque (refers to La Belle Époque), and stands for expressing one's own style instead of being drowned by trends. La Belle Époque was the golden age characterized by invigorated fine art and literature since the end of 19th century. Inspired by the creative ambience of La Belle Époque, JEpoque BELLAVITA boutique was built based on the "Frame Gallery" concept. Supported by varied designer and luxury brands, the boutique features the newest eyewear fashion periodically, and attracts the the most sophisticated, stylish and contemporary customers.

JEpoque understands that high-end luxury goods are a key component of what might be appealing to their customers. By creating a signature environment and offering the most recent, innovative, technologically advanced, and trendy products available, JEpoque has a strong awareness of aesthetic sense, and that make their customers enjoy the entire shopping experience.

Sunglasses and optical frames are precisely the items that people use on daily basis. As eyewear has become an essential accessory, people do not keep their frames for years on end anymore. By maintaining a consistently fashion-forward, on trend arrays of the latest optical frames and sunglasses on a seasonal basis, JEpoque makes consumers inevitably return on a much more frequency since there is always something new and worthy of consideration.

Consumers are significantly more trend and quality-conscious than ever, and they demand products that deliver superior performance, style and durability at the same time. They want to invest in a product that will perform double-duty as a stunning accessory that accentuates their beauty and features high-quality components. By providing a league of elite brands which the market has to offer, JEpoque understands the vision of the future of eyewear industries and the consumers they are trying to reach. With an appreciation of what the new standards of the aesthetic experience in the retail marketplace, JEpoque wants to be a true visionary which represents today’s incarnation of luxurious nuance.

Products or services

Always upholding the highest levels of customer service and styling advice.

Excellent communication skills and problem solving abilities.

Have a pleasant personality and perfect smile.

四、時尚藝文重度上癮者 熱愛一切與美相關的事物
Addicted to fashion, art, music, film, photography or anything related to beauty.



Employee benefits





Avatar of the user.
1.處理進退貨作業、售後服務,與品牌供應商英文書信往來並確認交期 2.依據訂單及庫存狀態,進行商品採購及到貨交期追蹤和相關報關作業 3.處理供應商應付帳款對帳及請款作業並整理相關表單 4.商品檢驗作業及樣品管理 5.進退貨系統操作及熟悉excel軟體基本功能 6.各部門溝通協調,邏輯佳、細心、積極,具工作熱忱 7.行政事務及主管交辦事項
Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114
30K ~ 40K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

1. 審核進、銷憑證 & 開立發票、廠商單據查核 & 傳票編製登錄系統。 2. 處理應收、應付帳務之後續各項財務作業與追蹤能力。 3. 勾稽總帳明細帳、每月編製相關報表、提供財務報表。 4. 核對直營點與百貨公司帳務查核入帳 & 百貨點申請續約、保險申請續約。 5. 銀行國內.外匯.放款作業(貸放申請文件)。 6. 具備各項稅務 : 申報營業稅、營所稅、各類所得扣繳。 能獨立完成作業、分析與...
30K ~ 40K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

如果你具備下列條件: 一、提供最好的顧客服務以及整體造型意見 Always upholding the highest levels of customer service and styling advice. 二、具備良好溝通技巧與解決問題的能力 Excellent communication skills and problem solving abilities. 三、擁有令人喜愛的...
Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 302, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
30K ~ 40K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility