Sales Staff

Job updated over 1 year ago

Job Description

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:

  • Memastikan tercapainya target penjualan bulanan.
  • Mengejar dan memenuhi target personal yang diberikan setiap bulannya.
  • Memastikan pengetahuan produk yang diperbarui setiap saat termasuk semua manfaat, fasilitas, dan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh studio.
  • Menghubungi dan bertemu dengan prospek untuk menjelaskan mengenai benefit yoga.
  • Menggunakan materi pemasaran dan dukungan yang disediakan sebagai alat penjualan secara proaktif dan konstruktif.
  • Mempertahankan profesionalitas dan attitude yang baik ketika bertemu dengan prospek dan member.
  • Bertanggung jawab dalam melayani member dengan tetap melayani member secara baik after sales.


  • Bersedia penempatan di area Pluit, Tangerang, dan Surabaya
  • Terbiasa dengan kerja target & penjualan.
  • Pernah memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai sales (bidang Non-Formal education, Bank, Insurance, hospitality, Fitness) minimal selama 1 tahun.
  • Bertekad, termotivasi, ambisius, percaya diri, dan tak kenal lelah dalam mengejar penjualan.
  • Ramah dan terbiasa dengan bertemu individu lain.
  • Energik dan memiliki semangat untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat.
  • Memiliki profesionalisme, kejujuran dan integritas tingkat tinggi serta etos kerja yang unggul.
Personal Invitation Link
This is your personal referral link for job invitation. You'll receive an email notification when someone applied for the position via your job link.
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2.9M ~ 3.9M IDR / month
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Logo of Just Yoga.

About us


Was founded in 2015. Just Yoga is the leading and the fastest-growing yoga with 6 studios currently open. First studio opened at Mall Pluit Village. The second studio at Gading Walk Arcade and the third open at Times Square Gading Serpong. Forth location at Lotte Bintaro Mall. In the May 2019 we are open the fifth location at Mall Taman Anggrek. And on 2020 we are expanding in Surabaya at Pakuwon Mall in February.

We have extensive facilities where you can enjoy your yoga exercise to the fullest and makes your yoga experience the best available. Our master yoga and teachers come directly from India to give the most authentic experience and guidance to our members.

We are seeking young energetic and motivated individuals to join our fast-growing team to create


Just Yoga is the ultimate Yoga Studio in Indonesia, committed in providing our students the best yoga experience, a great fun-loving community and very healthy lifestyle


  • Just Yoga committed to bring the benefits of Yoga for health in Indonesia
  • Committed to have top and experienced teacher to educate the students
  • Provide top quality environment for the students to enjoy the class to the fullest
  • Passion and commitment to Yoga and concern for the health of the students is our top priority


Entry level
100K ~ 225K IDR / day