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Logo of JustCo Taiwan.

JustCo Taiwan

Logo of JustCo Taiwan.
JustCo Taiwan
Logo of JustCo Taiwan.
JustCo Taiwan

Company summary

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Founded in 2011 and headquartered in Singapore, JustCo is Asia’s leading premium flexible workspace provider. We continually disrupt the status quo and redefine collaborative working. In our communities, we connect dynamic entrepreneurs, start-ups and large corporations. People are at the heart of what we do, as we create networking events and strategic partnerships for our members and partners to gain insights, collaborate, and help each other. Our passion for customer satisfaction ensures our members find comfort and peace of mind – the same JustCo hospitality, no matter where you are. We make work better by revolutionising how people work, empowering our ever-growing community with exceptional flexibility, opportunities and experiences.

JustCo 創立於2011年,是新加坡最受歡迎的服務式辦公室業者,不遺餘力地滿足各種動態業務需求,以最具競爭力的價格提供最全面的服務式辦公室和虛擬辦公室解決方案。

JustCo 配備豪華時尚且深具品味的服務式辦公空間、虛擬辦公室方案、最先進的通訊和網絡設施、設計精湛的會議室,以及專業的接待和禮賓服務團隊,滿足您的每一項業務需求。JustCo 不僅擁有一支專業的IT技術支援團隊,更有能夠全天候24小時運行於所有設施的「一卡通系統」,旨在確保您的業務順利進行。

JustCo 以滿足靈活和多樣化的商務需求為傲,根據您公司的業務需要量身打造服務式辦公空間套餐方案,租賃期長靈活彈性。JustCo 提供的各類辦公空間,均具有獨特佈局和空間配置,可自由彈性擴張,滿足您的需求。

JustCo 始終致力於滿足您的各類業務需求,竭盡全力為您提高時間和成本效率,幫助您在打造企業聲譽與辦公舒適愉悅之間達到最佳平衡,提供無與倫比的便捷服務。我們不斷成長的客戶群和進駐優越地段的據點數量,足以見證只有在 JustCo 才享有的卓越辦公環境體驗。

Products or services

Flexible Workspaces, Community, Virtual Offices, Collaboration, Meeting Rooms, Shared Office Space, Business Services, Serviced Offices, Event Space, Hot-Desking, Co-working Spaces, Networking, Cowork, Studio Workspaces, and Dedicated desks


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JustCo is Asia Pacific’s leading flexible workspace provider. We make work better by revolutionizing how people work, empowering our ever-growing community with exceptional flexibility, opportuniti...
Taipei, Taiwan
18K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility