1. 策劃、設計並執行每週的社群媒體貼文
2. 撰寫吸引人的文案,以提高互動和關注度
3. 製作短影片,增強社群內容的多元性
4. 搜集市場資訊,分析趨勢並提出相應的行銷策略
5. 與內部團隊協作,確保社群內容符合公司品牌形象和市場需求
6. 配合協助設備測試(數位看板&音樂公播),增進對產品的深度理解
1. 具備優秀的文案撰寫能力
2. 熟悉短影片製作流程及相關工具
3. 對行銷和社群媒體有熱情,具備創意思維
4. 良好的溝通能力及團隊合作精神
5. 具備市場分析能力,能提出有效策略
Run Shops, Beyond Expectation!
KABOB CLOUD started in 2016. KABOB CLOUD's core is to empowers chain brand operations by using AIoT smat Apps to connect with content terminals, store operations, staff management.We offer three major services to cover screens (Lookr Digital Signage) \ music (Voicer BGM Master) \ people (staff management). Manage all-scenario store applications through one platform, and empower chain brand experience and management.