KICKS CREW is one of the fastest growing athletic footwear and apparel ecommerce platforms. Our engineers develop the state of the art technologies to transform how customers experience, explore and shop.
Our platform needs to handle product and customer data at a massive scale. We are looking for software engineers who can apply their expertise from different areas to maintain and develop our system to support the rapid growth.
You will be working in a cross functional team with Backend, Frontend and/or Mobile Engineers to develop our e-commerce platform. We need our engineers to have a broad set of technical and communication skills to be a valuable team member. We hope you can join us and shape the landscape of next-generation ecommerce.
At KICKS CREW, you will be joining a growing, fast-paced team with strong startup spirits. We are looking for an experienced Frontend Engineer responsible for building and maintaining the user-facing side of our web applications.
KICKS CREW 是全球發展最快的運動鞋和服裝電子商務平台之一。
作為一名前端工程師,您將從事對 KICKS CREW 的日常運營至關重要的全方位服務。
• Familiar with HTML / JS / CSS
KICKS CREW 成立於2008年,創辦人兼行政總裁麥俊然旨在打造一個讓大眾共享的的運動球鞋平台,將創作者和消費者聚集在多元化且共融共創的空間。KICKS CREW 的B2B2C (Business to Business to Customer) 商業模式,代表公司只與品牌零售商直接合作並供應產品致平台上銷售,是現時市場上唯一採用此運營模式的電商平台,為消費者提供可靠的商品來源和正貨質量保證。
更多關於我們 ↓ ↓
>>鞋類和服裝的綜合選項超過 230 萬個 SKU。
>>已銷往 100 多個國家/地區,並成功串接 20 多個國家/地區之間的中大型供應商。
>>在社群經營上受到超過 100 萬+的粉絲喜愛。