
[Multimedia] DevOps Engineer (Platform)

職缺 9 個月前更新


Please submit your application via KKCompany Careers. Only online applications on the career website will be considered.

KKCompany Technologies Group is a leading technology group in software services. We have created the world’s first legal music streaming platform, KKBOX, and are an international software technology group focused on “multimedia technologies, digital cloud, and AI applications” as our core business to create value for the customers. The group consists of self-owned brands including KKBOX, BlendVision, and Going Cloud with enterprise customers across Asia. KKCompany Technologies has attained OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 and ISO 27001 third-party international certification.

We have over 500 employees across offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hong Kong.

For more information please visit our website: www.kkcompany.com and blog: blog.kkcompany.com


  • Develop, maintain, and operate streaming relative backend API and encoding system running on on-premises and cloud infrastructure (AWS and Azure)
  • Use scripting languages ​​or develop automation tools to speed up the workflow.
  • Design and implement CI/CD workflow.
  • Service health and availability monitor.

*** The salary range is for reference, and the actual salary will be further discussed with the candidate***



  • Hands-on experience in software development with Git for at least 1~2 year.
  • Familiar with one scripting language, ex. Bash, Python, etc.

Nice To Have:

  • Familiar with container technology and Kubernetes or Docker. Hands-on experience in managed container services, ex. GKE, EKS, or AKS.
  • Experience with CI/CD software or tools, GitLab CI is preferred.
  • Experience in using Infrastructure as code tools for cloud resources management. Terraform is preferred.
  • Experience with MySQL, Redis, Kafka, ElasticSearch system administration, MySQL, and Redis are preferred.
需具備 4 年以上工作經驗
1,250,000 ~ 1,700,000 TWD / 年
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Logo of KKCompany.


頂尖跨國科技集團科科科技(KKCompany Technologies)為軟體服務領航者,以「多媒體串流、數位雲端、AI 應用」為技術與事業發展核心,致力於為客戶創造價值。

科科科技相信「Innovation Made Simple」,科技能為各個產業所面臨的難題帶來解答。成立 20 年,集團旗下包含音樂串流 KKBOX、多媒體科技 BlendVision、雲端智慧 Going Cloud 等自有產品品牌。創立全球第一個合法音樂串流平台(KKBOX),運用領先的多媒體影音串流技術為用戶創造美好體驗。藉由自有品牌與服務國際大型企業客戶,累積海量數據與不斷進化的分析能力,以及豐富的品牌營運等經驗,協助企業成功推動數位轉型。服務超過千萬消費者,企業客戶遍佈全亞洲,涵蓋電信、影音媒體、線上教育、運動健身、智慧零售等不同領域產業。

科科科技集團在東京、新加坡、台北、高雄、香港等地設有辦公室,擁有超過 500 位同仁。

Multinational technology group KKCompany Technologies is a pioneer in the field of software services. The company is dedicated to creating values for customers with core businesses of multimedia technologies, digital cloud, and AI applications.

At KKCompany, we believe “Innovation Made Simple,” and technology is the answer to the struggles faced by every industry. Since its establishment two decades ago, KKCompany has expanded its portfolio, including KKBOX, BlendVision and Going Cloud. KKBOX is the world’s first platform bringing legal music streaming service to the public. It utilizes state-of-the-art streaming technology to enable excellent user experience. Our flagship brands and a base of international clients enable us to accumulate extensive data and advance analytical capabilities. The strengths along with our abundant experience in brand management help businesses achieve digital transformation successfully. We serve over tens of millions of consumers and enterprise clients in Asia cross a broad spectrum of industries such as telecommunication, multimedia, online education, fitness, smart retail and more.

KKCompany now has over 500 employees across offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hong Kong.


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