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頂尖跨國科技集團科科科技(KKCompany Technologies)為軟體服務領航者,打造全球第一個合法音樂串流平台(KKBOX),更是一家以「多媒體串流、數位雲端、AI 應用」為事業核心,為客戶創造價值的國際軟體科技集團。旗下包含 KKBOX、BlendVision、Going Cloud 等自有產品品牌,企業客戶遍佈全亞洲。科科科技榮獲 OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 及 ISO 27001 第三方國際認證,在東京、新加坡、台北、高雄、香港等地設有辦公室,擁有超過 500 位同仁。更多資訊請參考官網:www.kkcompany.com、部落格:blog.kkcompany.com KKCompany Technologies Group is a leading technology group in software services. We have created the world’s first legal music streaming platform, KKBOX, and are an international software technology group focused on “multimedia technologies, digital cloud, and AI applications” as our core business to create value for the customers. The group consists of self-owned brands including KKBOX, BlendVision and Going Cloud with enterprise customers across Asia. KKCompany Technologies has attained OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 and ISO 27001 third-party international certification. We have over 500 employees across offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hong Kong. For more information please visit our website: www.kkcompany.com and blog: blog.kkcompany.com
Avatar of Fanny Liu.
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Avatar of Kiki Luo.
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Avatar of Fay Huang.
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