* 開發與維護內部系統
* 優化現有架構
* 改善開發流程
* 協同釐清及規劃需求
* Full Stack 經驗,能夠獨立且合理完成工作
【 前端技能需求】
* 熟悉 HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript
* 熟悉Vue/ Vuex / Vue-Router
* 熟悉Webpack打包程式碼流程
【 後端技能需求】
* 熟悉 PHP
* API 設計與開發
* 熟悉 RESTful API 觀念
* 熟悉 Laravel
* 使用過Docker建置開發環境
* 熟悉Git版本控制
KKday在全球超過92個國家、550個城市擁有 300,000 種以上的在地旅遊體驗商品,每月平均活躍用戶高達900萬,目的是透過專業平台數據化整合,讓來自全球的旅客都能夠更方便自在地挑選行程,創造自己專屬的旅遊經驗。
KKday 提供人才具規模、活力和自主權的新創環境,歡迎加入我們創造未來!
Positions at KKday: https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/
KKday Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/
KKday is the leading travel-tech company in APAC, committed to providing the most complete service platform, the most unique and authentic travel experience.
Currently, KKday hosts over 300,000+ local experience products in over 92 countries and 550 cities with more than 9 million unique users each month. Our goal is to be easily accessible, make it more convenient through the data integration of professional platform. Let all types of travelers find and create their own memorable, exclusive, and safe travel experience.
Founded in 2014, we have expanded to 12 countries and set up overseas offices around the world. In July 2022, we secured a series C+ round funding of nearly 3 billion, well prepared for inbound, outbound, and domestic travel after Covid. In the future, we will innovate the industry with technology continuously.
We provide talent with an environment where they have a combination of resources, scale, and autonomy to run for KKday business. Most importantly, we also provide our talents the opportunity to rotate across businesses, accelerate their career path and impact the business of the travel industry around the APAC region. Welcome to join us!
Positions at KKday: https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/
KKday LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/
【 新聞介紹 】
- 備戰跨境旅遊 KKday完成C+輪募資
KKday集結多年的旅遊產業 knowhow,希望透過科技應用,與業者共同建立一個數位旅遊生態系,帶領著整個旅遊生活業往數位轉型前進。
[KKday] https://www.kkday.com/zh-tw
[rezio] https://rezio.io/zh-TW
[KKday商城] https://marketplace.kkday.com
[FineDayClub] https://www.finedayclub.com/
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