
Công việc được cập nhật 7 tháng
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Mô tả công việc

• Implement core features in mobile games

• Work closely with production team to ship games with world-class polish

• Test your own and your peer’s code

• Write good code using world-class engineering practices

Yêu cầu

•Experience in ANY of the following: C++, C#
• Passion for software and gaming
• Strong problem solving skills and self-motivation
• Both entry level and experienced applicants are welcome
• Familiarity with Unity3D, Cocos2dx, iOS/ Android Development, and App Development is an advantage
• Willing to "WORK HARD"

Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm
35,000 ~ 55,000 TWD / tháng
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Về chúng tôi

Kooapps is a mobile game design and development studio. We have over 400 million downloads across iOS, Android, Blackberry and the Windows Phone. We are an indie gaming studio. We work very hard to polish our games because our dream is to create thet global gaming brand. We are just getting started.
Kooapps expanded into Taiwan in search for like minded partners to realize its vision.

Kooapps corp 是一家獨立遊戲工作室, 在美國、台灣、菲律賓都設有公司, 目前公司發行的遊戲已超過4億人次的下載, 我們主要業務在手機遊戲的設計及開發,為了要實現成為全球知名遊戲公司的夢想,我們正努力地朝著這個方向前進.現在正要起飛 !!
Kooapps 在台灣成立的“遊悅科技”為因應組織擴大, 正在尋找志同道合的夥伴,希望一起將玩遊戲的快樂分享到國際的每個角落。歡迎你加入我們行列!!
If you want to create games and be part of our success - join us.
如果你想要開發遊戲, 一起分享我們的成功, 歡迎加入我們!!

Việc làm

Trung cấp
55K ~ 80K TWD / tháng