Machine Learning Engineer 機器學習工程師

Job updated 7 months ago

Job Description

【投遞方式】 此處不收履歷,請至 投遞。

**Please submit your CV via Kronos career website:

  • Apply rigorous scientific methods to develop/improve trading models, and test your hypotheses.
  • Evaluate the cutting-edge machine learning and statistical model.
  • Work closely with trading teams to deploy/test the trading model.
  • Design and implement efficient processes for trading model development and validation.


  • 3 years+ working experience in relevant industry
  • Advanced training (Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D.’s) from a top school in Computer Science, Math, Stats, Physics, or another highly quantitative field
  • Strong knowledge of probability and statistics (e.g. machine learning, time-series analysis) preferred
  • Intermediate skills in at least one programming language (like C, C++, Java, or Python). C/C++ a plus but not required
  • Experience with applied machine learning to real-world datasets
  • Strong written and verbal communications skills in English
  • English resume acceptable only

Interview process

  • 【投遞方式】 此處不收履歷,請至 投遞。
  • **Please submit your CV via Kronos career website:
  • We are a performance-driven company and provide our top employees the most competitive total compensation in our industry! The salary range we provide is inclusive of annual discretionary bonuses.
  • We keep all positions open. When there's a headcount and if you match the requirements, we will contact you as soon as possible.
  • We strive to contact candidates within a few business days if there is a strong fit. If you don't hear from us, please don't be discouraged. We will keep your resume on file and contact you if there is an opening that you might be a good fit for.
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1,500,000 ~ 5,000,000 TWD / year
Partial Remote Work
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Kronos Research 麒方科技(原麒點科技)是一家專注於高頻交易的量化公司,結合人工智慧、機器學習和高速網路等先進技術,透過進階的資料分析開發出獨家的量化交易預測模型,並使用全自動的交易策略自營。同時,作為加密貨幣造市商,我們提供全球加密貨幣商品的即時報價。 在華爾街金融背景與世界高頻交易公司龍頭的高階主管團隊帶領之下,Kronos Research 已經成為全球頂尖的加密貨幣交易團隊,創下每日平均 50 億美金、單日最高 230 億美金的交易成績。我們從台灣出發走向世界,員工來自新加坡、美國、羅馬尼亞、上海等地。 作為台灣量化交易市場的領先者,Kronos 重視並激勵每個團隊成員創造自身價值。我們以開放的企業文化、扁平組織與豐厚薪資期待更多優秀人才加入,共同建立量化交易的多元豐富生態圈。


我們致力於有意義的目標,並解決複雜的問題。我們的團隊因對金融市場和技術創新的熱愛與好奇心而團結在一起,以高績效文化為基礎,重視團隊合作和個人貢獻。我們喜歡挑戰,也願意為此付出辛勤的努力。 同時,我們致力於提升全球金融市場的流動性,不斷擴大我們的事業和團隊版圖。我們為台灣勞工市場提供極具競爭力的薪酬和人性化的福利,營造一個開放、包容和支持創新的工作環境。我們相信,只有在充滿活力和創造力的企業文化中,每位成員才能發揮最大的潛力。 我們的目標是打造更好的金融環境和就業環境,讓這裡成為一個令人愉快和自豪的工作場所。


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