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Job updated about 1 month ago

Job Description

To be a problem solver!

  • Discuss with product owner and UX designer for customer needs
  • Design implementation detail and provide preview/test/release schedule
  • Work with team for enhancing data pipeline efficiency
  • Work with team for designing API interfaces (most of them will be restful API)
  • Monitor and fine tune system performance


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields
  • 2+ years experience in developing and maintaining backend services with high-availability
  • Eager to try new technology and share with the team
  • Eager to share your thoughts and open to ideas from the other people
  • Familiar with Node.js, MongoDB, Git
  • Familiar with Docker, CI/CD, React would be a plus
  • Familiar with scrum process would be a plus
  • Experienced with crawling, data preprocessing would be a plus
  • 請至 網址(點我前往) 投遞履歷,及提供程式碼作品集,形式不拘


  • 除勞基法規定之特別休假日,還享有無上限的 Lawsnoter 全薪福利假
  • 彈性放假不補班,過年慣例都會往前往後多放一點​​​​
  • 上下班時間自我管理,初期需進辦公室,後期可以視工作安排調整為部分 WFH
  • 桌球、桌遊、Xbox 與 Switch 任你玩,歡迎挑戰皮卡丘排球賽冠軍寶座
  • 零食飲料不怕餓,高級咖啡機加上新鮮牛奶讓你隨時擁有好心情
  • Lawsnote 專屬文化,啤酒免費無限暢飲
  • 公司配有專屬筆電與 27 吋液晶螢幕,工作眼睛好輕鬆
  • 辦公室設有 6 間安靜工作區,隨時轉換空間感受不同氛圍
  • 優秀人才推薦獎金,一起尋找你喜歡我也喜歡的合作夥伴
  • 鼓勵自主進修、知識交流,無論書籍、課程、證照等學習皆可申請補助
  • 成立社團有補助,甜點、羽球、寶可夢,各種才藝分享交流

Interview process

請至此 網址(點我前往) 投遞履歷

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    2 years of experience required
    900,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / year
    Optional Remote Work
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    Logo of Lawsnote.

    About us

    Lawsnote 七法股份有限公司成立於 2016 年,為台灣法律科技領導品牌,致力於運用科技滿足法律需求。秉持著「讓法律更有效率」的核心價值,打造「法律界的 Google」法學搜尋系統,為台灣最多人使用的法學搜尋系統,擁有超過 500 家以上之企業客戶,包含金融業、科技業及製造業上市櫃公司、法律事務所、會計事務所、政府機構及學校。其中關鍵字辨識以及法學資料搜尋技術已獲得三項台灣發明專利(專利編號:I640882、I595371、I800729)。

    Lawsnote 團隊結合律師執業經驗及資深工程師技術實力,以人工智慧 AI 及自然語言處理 NLP 為核心技術,搭配法學資料探勘技術,奠定發展基礎。旗下產品包含:法學資料搜尋系統、法律文件自動生成系統、契約自動審閱、企業法令遵循系統、Lawsnote 學院、找律師平台等。




    在員工政策上,除了提供福利與薪資外,我們尤其著重團隊成員的成長與生涯規劃,並且定期與團隊成員 Review 目前狀況以及對未來的想法,確保夥伴能與公司一起成長。我們也在未來五年可以想像的公司發展上,規劃團隊成員的職涯,並與夥伴溝通,你是否想要往這個職缺發展,以及需要具備的能力與成長的幅度。


    Lawsnote Inc. was established in 2016 as a leading legal technology brand in Taiwan, dedicated to utilizing technology to meet legal needs. Upholding the core value of "making the law more efficient", Lawsnote has developed the "Google of the legal world" legal research system, Taiwan's most widely used legal research system. It has over 500 corporate clients, including listed companies in the financial, technology, and manufacturing sectors, law firms, accounting firms, government agencies, and educational institutions. The keyword recognition and legal data search technologies have obtained three Taiwanese invention patents (Patent Numbers: I640882, I595371, and I800729).

    The Lawsnote team combines the expertise of practicing lawyers with the technical prowess of seasoned engineers. We employ artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) as core technologies, along with legal data mining techniques, to establish a solid foundation for development.

    Our product includes:

    • Legal Search Engine
    • Legal Document Generation System
    • Contract Auto-Review System
    • Compliance System
    • Online Legal Courses
    • Find-Lawyer

    Lawsnote Inc. was founded by lawyers and engineers who believe that computer science is making a huge impact on a traditional area - legal activities. Our main product is a search engine for lawyers and legal workers in Taiwan. We collect data they need in an automatic manner and develop algorithms to provide the most relevant information. We create value by enhancing time wasting activities for our customers in their daily work. The ultimate dream of our company is that human will never spend time on works which machines can do better.


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    Deputy Chief Operating Officer


    Entry level
    700K ~ 980K TWD / year