【業務行銷】EI-Software Project Manager (新莊)

Công việc được cập nhật 28 ngày
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* Planning out the blueprints for software projects, including defining the scope, allocating resources, setting deadlines, laying out communication strategies, and indicating tests and maintenance.
* Manage software release with key stakeholders.
* Set up development milestones and entry or exit criteria.
* Track outstanding deliverables, milestones and change requests.
* Delivering completed software products to customers and performing regular checks on the products' performance/ issues.
* You will lead projects but not limited to: Software and firmware of customer facing product on the market (e.g. Energy Management System, ESS, App, Server front/back-end and other infrastructure solutions)

* 5 years+ in leading software development activities as a project manager with developers and wide range of cross functional teams.
* Familiar with agile & waterfall software lifecycle management and tools (e.g. JIRA)
* Proactive quality management skill with issue and root cause tracking
* Data-driven decision making of risk management.
* Product thinking mindsets to find the tradeoff between engineering limitation and user needs together with product managers and designers
Fluent speaking / writing in English and Mandarin
* Good understanding of software engineering including modern development tools and process, e.g. UML / version control / code review / testing methodologies for seamless communication with development teams is a plus
* Energy / IOT / AI related product management experience is a plus
* A Bachelor's or Master degree in Electrical engineering / Computer science / Materials science or a related field is a plus

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Về chúng tôi

走過近半世紀,台灣LED產業先驅,也是台灣首家上市電子公司的光寶科技,以先進的光電半導體與電源管理實力,立基全球。近年積極佈局雲端運算電源、汽車電子、光電半導體、5G & AIoT,未來將以Green Data Centers, Clean mobility, Efficient infrastructure 作為中長期發展的成長引擎。面對全球環境與氣候變遷,光寶更在二十年前開始接軌全球重要規範與倡議,推動永續治理。在產品開發上,將以低碳設計作為研發核心,朝向所有光寶下一代產品將減碳5%的目標邁進,共同與供應鏈夥伴在永續發展的賽道上,以實際行動,在產業與社會中發揮關鍵影響力。 人,是光寶最重視的核心價值。我們以「人」為出發點,珍視每位員工、夥伴和客戶,並以增益全球環境與人類生活的觀點,來釋放科技的無限可能。我們思考最佳策略,達成行動綜效,實現客戶目標,為環境與社會做出貢獻。我們創造多元共融的環境,務求以健全福利制度、透明溝通管道、豐沛內部資源和個人成長機會,協助每位夥伴發揮所長,突破思考框架,與團隊群策群力,以「當責」心態,實現個人藍圖並成就團隊願景。 光寶是企業,更是一個家。與光寶同行,超過40,000名團隊夥伴都是你的家人。如果你樂於和團隊並肩行動,為環境和社會創造不同,一同締造突破,接力實現「光電節能,環境永續」的使命,光寶科技歡迎你!我們一起攜手,以行動落實信念,朝未來大步向前。未來,就是現在!歡迎即刻與我們聯繫。


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