LEOTEK 為北美第一大智能交通號誌與道路照明服務提供商,至 1992 年起,服務北美、歐洲、中東、紐澳等 30 多國道路基礎建設 30 餘年,致力道路智動化 AI+ 物聯網維運預警服務解決方案,以安全、生態與低碳為核心,推動城市淨零智能化轉型。
1. 戶外照明與交通燈具-LED 路燈、LED 交通號誌燈
2. 環境友善照明-人因照明智慧路燈系統、新一代 ECOridge(生態線)生態照明
3. 智慧路燈解決方案-智慧路燈控制器
4. 道路智動化解決方案-智慧照明與交通解決方案、道路數據蒐集分析平台
1. Strategic Leadership: Develop and implement product strategies that align with LEOTEK’s vision and business goals.
2. Product Development: Oversee the entire product life cycle from concept to launch, ensuring timely delivery and quality.
3. Market Analysis: Conduct market research to identify trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape.
4. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Work closely with engineering, marketing, sales, and other departments to ensure cohesive product development and launch.
5. Innovation: Drive innovation in product development, focusing on the integration of optical, mechanical, electrical, thermal, software, and hardware engineering.
6. Customer Focus: Ensure products meet customer needs and exceed expectations through continuous feedback and improvement.
7. Team Management: Lead and mentor the product management team, fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration.
1. Strong understanding of software and hardware integration.
2. Excellent strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
3. Proven ability to lead cross-functional teams.
4. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
5. Experience in smart transportation and AIoT applications is a plus.
走過近半世紀,台灣LED產業先驅,也是台灣首家上市電子公司的光寶科技,以先進的光電半導體與電源管理實力,立基全球。近年積極佈局雲端運算電源、汽車電子、光電半導體、5G & AIoT,未來將以Green Data Centers, Clean mobility, Efficient infrastructure 作為中長期發展的成長引擎。面對全球環境與氣候變遷,光寶更在二十年前開始接軌全球重要規範與倡議,推動永續治理。在產品開發上,將以低碳設計作為研發核心,朝向所有光寶下一代產品將減碳5%的目標邁進,共同與供應鏈夥伴在永續發展的賽道上,以實際行動,在產業與社會中發揮關鍵影響力。