【軟體/韌體】技術支援工程師Technical Support Engineer(內湖)

Job updated 15 days ago

Job Description

Cedars Digital 希達數位成立於 2023 年,總部位於新加坡,由母公司 LITE-ON 光寶科技投資,提供企業碳管理解決方案。
專長於 AI 人工智慧技術與資料整合,提供企業一站式的組織溫室氣體盤查與產品碳足跡計算管理,並生成碳盤查報告與清冊,協助企業應對全球氣候變遷下的產業技術解方。

About the role:
As a Technical Support Engineer, you will be a crucial part of our customer success team, responsible for providing exceptional technical support and assistance to our CMS customers. You will be the frontline of customer support, addressing inquiries, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring our customers have a positive and productive experience with our CMS products.

Responsibilities :
1. Customer Assistance and Issue Resolution:
- Serve as the first point of contact for customer inquiries, providing timely and effective assistance via email, chat, phone, or ticketing systems.
- Understand and troubleshoot customer issues, helping them resolve problems related to our CMS applications.
- Guide customers through setup, configuration, and usage of our software.
2.Technical Expertise:
- Develop a deep understanding of our CMS products, including their features, capabilities, and technical architecture.
- Stay up-to-date with product updates and new releases to provide accurate information to customers.
3. Problem Diagnosis and Escalation:
- Diagnose complex technical issues and escalate them to the appropriate internal teams (e.g., engineering, QA) when necessary.
- Clearly document customer-reported issues, steps taken, and resolutions in our support system.
4. Customer Education:
- Create and maintain knowledge base articles, FAQs, and tutorials to help customers find solutions independently.
- Offer training and guidance to customers on using our CMS products effectively.
5. Feedback Collection:
- Act as the voice of the customer by collecting feedback, feature requests, and bug reports to share with product management and development teams.
6. Performance Monitoring:
- Monitor and report on the performance and availability of our CMS applications.
- Proactively identify and address potential service interruptions or degraded performance.
7. Collaboration:
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including developers, QA engineers, and product managers, to ensure customer issues are resolved promptly and effectively.
8. Customer Advocacy:
- Identify opportunities to turn satisfied customers into advocates who can provide testimonials, case studies, or referrals.


1. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field (or equivalent work experience).
2. Proven experience in a customer support or technical support role, preferably in a SaaS environment.
3. Strong technical aptitude and the ability to understand and communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical users.
4. Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.
5. Strong written and verbal communication skills.

Interview process


1 years of experience required
Optional Remote Work
Personal Invitation Link
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About us

走過近半世紀,台灣LED產業先驅,也是台灣首家上市電子公司的光寶科技,以先進的光電半導體與電源管理實力,立基全球。近年積極佈局雲端運算電源、汽車電子、光電半導體、5G & AIoT,未來將以Green Data Centers, Clean mobility, Efficient infrastructure 作為中長期發展的成長引擎。面對全球環境與氣候變遷,光寶更在二十年前開始接軌全球重要規範與倡議,推動永續治理。在產品開發上,將以低碳設計作為研發核心,朝向所有光寶下一代產品將減碳5%的目標邁進,共同與供應鏈夥伴在永續發展的賽道上,以實際行動,在產業與社會中發揮關鍵影響力。 人,是光寶最重視的核心價值。我們以「人」為出發點,珍視每位員工、夥伴和客戶,並以增益全球環境與人類生活的觀點,來釋放科技的無限可能。我們思考最佳策略,達成行動綜效,實現客戶目標,為環境與社會做出貢獻。我們創造多元共融的環境,務求以健全福利制度、透明溝通管道、豐沛內部資源和個人成長機會,協助每位夥伴發揮所長,突破思考框架,與團隊群策群力,以「當責」心態,實現個人藍圖並成就團隊願景。 光寶是企業,更是一個家。與光寶同行,超過40,000名團隊夥伴都是你的家人。如果你樂於和團隊並肩行動,為環境和社會創造不同,一同締造突破,接力實現「光電節能,環境永續」的使命,光寶科技歡迎你!我們一起攜手,以行動落實信念,朝未來大步向前。未來,就是現在!歡迎即刻與我們聯繫。


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