À propos de

Description de l'Entreprise

Lootex 是一個以NFT交易用戶為中心、支援多鏈的數位資產商城與分享最新項目資訊,並更專注於遊戲領域玩家的互動體驗。我們致力於打造注重安全地快速進入、收藏、交易、分享,並易於搜尋時下熱門NFT項目與遊戲虛寶的交易平台。

Lootex is a user-centric, multi-chain digital asset marketplace that not only facilitates NFT transactions but also provides up-to-date information on the latest projects. We place a particular emphasis on enhancing the interactive experiences of gamers. Our mission is to create a secure and swift platform for entering, collecting, trading, and sharing, with an easy-to-navigate interface that highlights popular NFT projects and in-game treasures.

Produits ou Services


(一) 國際拍賣場:

Lootex 拍賣場是運用區塊鏈技術打造點對點的交易平台。在這裡你可以找到跨國際、跨領域、稀奇古怪的數位收藏品,毋需擔心交易詐騙及跨境付款的問題,真實的體驗區塊鏈、加密貨幣與非同值化代幣NFT所帶來的全新價值革命與跨國交易的嶄新時代!

Lootex Marketplace leverages blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer trading platform. Here, you can discover an eclectic mix of digital collectibles that span across international and interdisciplinary boundaries without the worries of transaction fraud or cross-border payment issues. Experience the true essence of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as they usher in a revolutionary new digital era of value and international trade!

(二) NFT Launchpad

Lootex 協助項目團隊發行 NFT,將發行和銷售與傳播變得簡單!無論是需要我們寫智能合約、做盲盒機制、或者已經有自己的 NFT,都可以串接到 Lootex Launchpad 發行銷售,並且支援多種區塊鏈,我們並擁有多年、多項目、多產業的發行經驗,透過Lootex一站式拍賣場,讓您的項目與資產快速推向目標用戶。

Lootex Launchpad simplifies the process of NFT issuance for project teams, making launching, selling, and marketing effortless! Whether you need us to create smart contracts, implement blind box mechanisms, or if you already have your own NFTs, you can integrate with the Lootex Launchpad for sales across multiple blockchains. With years of experience spanning various projects and industries, our one-stop trading platform swiftly connects your projects and assets with target audience.




Lootex 致力於將資產數位化、數位資產區塊鏈化。Lootex 透過去中心化的點對點技術,打造無詐騙、跨國境、公開透明的區塊鏈數位資產拍賣場。我們的願景就是透過區塊鏈技術來保護數位創作,提供交易平台來將數位資產變為不斷提升的流動性資產。 Lootex 將數位創作的價值完全體現,並轉化成真實世界的資產。

Lootex is a user-centric cross-chain NFT trading platform that shares the latest blockchain project info. We are devoted to building a marketplace where users can easily browse and trade digital assets across multiple blockchains. Lootex is the One-Stop Shop to Gear up for the Metaverse.

Couverture Médiatique

Avantages Sociaux

挑戰宇宙最強的 NFT 團隊 — Lootex

  • 到職即有年假,讓你不用撐滿 6 個月。
  • 每年 7 天全薪病假,身體不適時請好好休息。
  • 每年 5,000 元健康檢查補助,照顧員工健康是我們的堅持。
  • 正職員工享用電腦補助,讓你使用最新最快的電腦是基本備配。
  • 基本的勞健保不用說,我們還替員工額外投保團體意外險。
  • 不定期吃小確幸晚餐,小確幸的意思就是你捨不得吃的牛排餐廳,公司帶你吃。
  • 各種紓壓課程,讓你在忙碌之餘也能紓解壓力(2024已經舉行有氧/正念冥想/品茶,後續還有各種紓壓課程)。
  • 不怕你吃的豐富零食,成為你減肥路上的阻礙。
  • 為了彌補樓上福利,不定時邀約各種運動團 (我們揪團過 8am運動團/ 馬拉松 /壁球/羽球等)
  • 我們是個小而精壯的團隊,同事工作氣氛和諧,互相勉勵求進步。

Environnement de travail

一起探索 Metaverse 的浩瀚無垠

  • 最直接接觸產業第一手資訊
  • 一唸就不會忘的辦公室地址,捷運善導寺站 or 東門站步行約 10 分鐘
  • 舒適寬敞又溫馨的辦公室空間,我們仍在持續打造 Dream office 



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    Offres d'Emploi

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    Lootex, a leading decentralized NFT marketplace specializing in GameFi and NFT trading, is seeking exceptional talent for an exciting, unannounced new game project. Design and develop the game’s se...
    Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan
    90K ~ 120K TWD / mois
    3 years of experience required
    No management responsibility

    Lootex, a leading decentralized NFT marketplace specializing in GameFi and NFT trading, is seeking exceptional talent for an exciting, unannounced new game project. Key Responsibilities : Design an...
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    50K ~ 65K TWD / mois
    3 years of experience required
    No management responsibility

    Lootex, a decentralized NFT marketplace with GameFi and NFT trading focus, is looking for someone that can sail to the blue ocean and reel in fishes for the team. Be the main contact on behalf of t...
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    60K ~ 100K TWD / mois
    3 years of experience required
    No management responsibility