螳螂機器人科技股份有限公司是美國Mantis Robotics台灣分公司。美國矽谷機器人新創公司Mantis Robotics獲選Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund第一波投注全球5家工業自動化新創企業之一,美國矽谷科技龍頭戰略領投, 致力於新世代工業機器人及自動化關鍵軟硬體產品開發,藉由導入創新高度互動軟體開發思維解決既有自動化產業耗時費工、難以普及之痛點與困境,創始團隊來自美日知名工業機器人大廠與矽谷科技龍頭公司,具備堅實的機器人產品研發與推展實力,團隊精通人機協作、功能安全、智慧製造、先進感測器等尖端領域項目,以革新自動化產業為己任,期望對智慧機器人具有熱切夢想的你加入!
The fastest and safest robots for ultimate flexibility & productivity
Our vison is to make robotic automation easy and flexible by building the first truly fenceless industrial robots for manufacturing and warehouse fulfillment, that work safely with people, without sacrificing productivity.
Safe out-of-the-box
Mantis robots are inherently safe right out-of-the-box, thanks to our cutting-edge built-in, tactile sensing and safety motion control technology. No fences, no external safety devices required.
Highest Productivity & Ultimate Flexibility
Our fenceless robots offer the highest productivity and flexibility in both structured and unstructured environments.
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
By combining highest productivity and fastest deployment, our robots have up to 70% lower total cost of ownership compared to today’s technology.
Fastest Deployment
Code-free deployment in hours, even by novice users.
Mantis Robotics是一個提倡尊重個人創意及專業的新創團隊,完全美式風格工作氣氛,只要你能完成工作並對團隊提供貢獻, 上班時間超彈性。跨國合作高效率衝刺,多元文化異國交流。美國、歐洲團隊陸續建立中。Mantis Robotics的核心團隊不是一個只有想法沒有根基的純新創團隊,而是聚集了一批歷經實戰戰場的業界頂尖年輕菁英的跨國團隊,跳脫傳統企業發展窠臼勇於創新而匯集一起。業界老兵加上創新課題,打通你的任督二脈,多位大師畢生所學手把手功力薰陶加持遠超過傳統企業慢慢往上爬,現在加入你就是核心,是國內難得彎道超車直衝國際的就業機會。