Client Executive – (Cyber Solution)

Lowongan diperbarui 8 hari yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

⚠️ Please send the cover letter and CV to: [email protected] ⚠️

  • Develop and manage the portfolio of Corporate Cyber Insurance Clients, including business development, insurance program renewal and daily client inquiry
  • Understand our clients’ Cyber risk exposure and use Marsh’s client servicing model, analytics and bespoke risk management tools to deliver insurance solutions
  • Interact regularly with clients and provide assistance with coverage questions and program adjustments; solves problems regarding client account issues
  • Collaborate with other divisions within Marsh to help present, educate and help new and existing clients manage and improve their Cyber risk.
  • Responsible for implementation of the Marsh Professional Standard and guidelines for assigned accounts.


  • Bachelor’s degree and above or equivalent discipline
  • 5+ years relevant working experience in Cyber Security Advisory/ IT Security /Forensic Investigation / Cyber related industry and it is better to have experience in insurance brokerage/underwriter and legal industry.
  • To be capable in communicating with IT/Cyber security technicians by technical terminology from the clients and/or prospects. It is preferred if well know about the framework of cyber security.
  • Knowledge in cyber insurance is preferred but not essential. Must show a keen interest in Cyber risk in general however. 
  • Ambitious, solution focus and with strong skills in client relationship management

Proses interview

Please send the cover letter and CV to: [email protected]

Diperlukan pengalaman selama 5 tahun
1,200,000+ TWD / tahun
Jumlah staf yang diatur: tidak diketahui
Kerja Remote Parsial
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Tentang Kami

美商達信保險經紀人股份有限公司台灣分公司成立於1975年,是台灣第一家跨國性保險經紀人公司;隸屬於美國MMC(Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.)集團。總部設於美國紐約,擁有百年歷史的MMC集團是一世界性的專業財務服務公司,分佈於一百多個國家為當地企業提供整體性的保險規劃、風險顧問、管理諮詢、投資分析與資金運用等服務。MMC集團股票同時在紐約、芝加哥、太平洋地區及倫敦証劵交易所上市。
  • 達信(Marsh)保險經紀人公司是全球風險管理與保險服務的領導者,為因應產業全球化的發展,在全世界設立了四百多個營運處所,擁有近二萬六千名能以當地語言溝通並深入了解當地風險議題的專業人員,以綿密的服務網為全球一百多個國家的客戶提供有效率且高品質的服務。
  • 達信(Marsh)台灣分公司成立三十多年來已成功地協助並完成許多大型企業與重大工程的風險管理規劃及財產、利潤及責任等相關保險計劃安排。目前擁有近百名專業成員,專注於專業及創新風險諮詢服務的提供,以滿足各類工商業及服務性組織的需求。
  • 達信(Marsh)台灣分公司為配合台灣經濟發展,除依產業特性成立專案小組,並配置風險管理顧問服務專家提供風險解決方案。隨著台灣產業國際化,台灣跨國企業保險及風險管理需求的日益增加,達信成立台商服務組(Taiwan Client Service),為跨國性客戶提供跨國風險管理諮詢、保險安排及後續理賠等服務。


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