- 熟悉nodejs, typescript, docker, nginx, mongodb, postgreSQL, socket.io, linux shell 相關操作
- 熟悉dns運作機制, tcp/udp, http protocol, 並有letsencrypt憑證操作經驗
- 熟悉aws ec2, s3, lambda, load balance
- 有開發 & 設計sdk / api interface經驗
- 有系統設計經驗,能以flow chart或其他形式文件描述系統中各component交互運作方式
- 有git flow或其他branch strategy相關經驗
Meshub is a software based company focusing on Distributed P2P Edge Computing Network. We build software and ultra low latency video streaming protocol to enable the power of distributed edge computing.
We aim to play a key role in 5G infrastructure for Smart City in order to bridge Web3.0 era in the future.