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Logo of MetaFi Technology.
Logo of MetaFi Technology.

MetaFi Technology

Logo of MetaFi Technology.
MetaFi Technology
Logo of MetaFi Technology.
MetaFi Technology

Company summary

MetaFi Technology是一家Fintech軟體公司,由一群對投資理財有熱情的互聯網科技人所創立。我們相信只要擁有正確的理財觀念和投資方法, 搭配方便好用的投資工具和持續不間斷的執行, 每個人最終都可以擁有自由富足的人生。如果你和我們一樣極度熱愛挑戰和創新,誠摯的歡迎您加入我們,共同打造一個世界級的Fintech公司,立足台灣放眼世界!

Products or services

Metafi Technology aims to provide an investing community platform where organized financial information, the latest investing news, and investing ideas can be shared and discussed without boundaries.



1. Make organized financial information and investing ideas universally accessible
2. Empower personal investors to make decisions easier.

Avatar of the user.
開發高穩定度的 iOS APP或Android APP APP程式架構設計能力,建構出可維護、高延展性的程式架構 撰寫單元測試 (Unit Test)
Taipei, Taiwan
45K ~ 100K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

負責串接加密貨幣交易所API (Binance、FTX、Coinbase) 負責串接第三方API, 例如Twitter等 從0到1建置資料庫 開發後端服務程式 負責撰寫軟體開發功能文件 和前端工程師合作,設計與開發前端所需API
Taipei, Taiwan
45K ~ 100K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility