紫元文創是一間致力於影像、遊戲、多媒體等數位內容的研發公司,其母公司為美國新創科技公司 Metatheory Inc.
Metatheory由Twitch共同創辦人Kevin Lin所創立,是一家科技導向的娛樂公司,專注於區塊鏈技術,建立遊戲、多平台互動故事和虛擬世界體驗,並以此來創造吸引人的故事IP。我們團隊有來自不同領域的開發者、藝術家以及企業家,其中包括Twitch 創始成員、PokemonGo遊戲執行製作人以及艾美獎得主的敘事專家。
我們的旗艦IP是《DuskBreakers》,一個奇特的互動科幻傳奇,設定在後末日世界中,以一艘神秘的外星太空船(The Dusk)成為人類的希望之光為基礎所發展出的各種故事及產品,這些產品涵蓋了遊戲、影片、NFT及其他媒體格式。
Metatheory Inc. is a interactive technology and entertainment company building Web3 games, interactive content, social experiences, and other community-driven adventures. Metatheory’s mission is to inspire imagination by connecting people worldwide through immersive worlds built on cross-generational IP.
Alongside our community, we develop new virtual worlds that empower users with audience driven story development, access to fun gameplay, and digital ownership enabled by blockchain infrastructure.
We are a fully remote team founded by serial entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, storytellers, and creators, including the co-founders of Twitch, Wakandacon, 96Next, On Point Creative, and The Harbinger.
Twitch 聯合創始人 Web3 遊戲公司 Metatheory 融資 2400 萬美元
從賣飲料到Twitch創辦人?Kevin Lin對AI的看法 | Sweet Talk Interview
The Future of Gaming and Streaming
Want to take up streaming? Or just level up your gaming? VTuber KSP and Twitch streamer SoBaDRush share their experiences. Plus, we take a peek at what the future holds for gaming at Kevin Lin's blockchain entertainment company Metatheory.
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