請至 https://mobagel.com/tw/jobs/#typeform 投遞履歷
1. 客戶需求訪談、分析、專案規劃與驗證。
2. 執行政府標案與企業專案,管理專案進度、統整與協調 。
3. 撰寫報告、系統分析與系統規劃文件等。
4. 與技術團隊跨部門溝通、合作,討論需求與專案時程。
1. 3 年以上系統軟體專案經驗。
2. 具備 Web 架構設計跟分析等相關知識。
3. 具備簡報製作與提案能力。
4. 具備良好溝通協調能力。
5. 具備良好的邏輯思維與分析能力並能協助解決問題。
1. 曾有政府專案執行經驗。
2. 曾有 AI 相關專案經驗。
3. 有 ISO 27001 主導稽核員證照。
4. 有 PMP 證照。
5. 熟悉主機架構設計。
6. 熟悉資料庫 ER Model 設計。
【上班地點】MoBagel 台中辦公室(台中大里區)
Company Overview
MoBagel is a key vendor of a no-code AI/ML platform, as recognized by Gartner in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Decanter AI, the no-code AI/ML platform, empowers data scientists and domain experts to design and build AI solutions together. Through partnerships with key partners such as Dentsu Group, Deloitte and JETRO to build no-code AI solutions together, Decanter AI has quickly accumulated over 100,000 users and is well-positioned to continue driving innovation and growth for sustainability.
MoBagel is an AI startup based in Silicon Valley, founded by AI scientists from Stanford and UC Berkeley in 2015. MoBagel provides a generative AI platform and various enterprise-level AI Agents designed to enhance data-driven decision-making and business process automation. Recognized by Gartner for the past five years, MoBagel's platform empowers over 11,000 brands across industries such as sales and marketing, supply chain, finance, and manufacturing, all driven by our vision to "Build AI Together and Beyond."Here are some of the credits that MoBagel has received: