Senior Digital Content Editor

Job updated over 2 years ago

Job Description

To build and grow the Blog and its related distribution channels into the most recognized and authoritative personal finance publisher in Taiwan.

Role Summary:
You will be upholding the editorial direction, tone of voice and consistency of the Blog and its related assets. Ensuring that all content released by the blog, positions the company as a thought leader, educator and source of reliable information and opinion. You are an expert in the formulation and execution of written content, with a deep understanding of best practices around SEO, topic and angle identification as well as distribution of this content on various platforms.

As the Editor, you will lead all editorial and publishing meetings, formulating article ideas and angles that resound with the Content Vision. Our writers report to you on writing assignments and assigned content generation, and you stand as the gatekeeper that ensures all content produced adheres to MoneySmart Content’s best practices, SOPs and style guides.

1) Managing a team of writers on articles, infographics, video, social media and email creation
2) Ensuring the content output is a manifestation of company’s culture and content vision
3) An arbiter of all editorial best practices, style guides, resourcing schedule and SOPs
4) Overall ownership of the writing team's performance metrics
5) Chairing all production and publishing meetings for content output
6) Publishing and optimising content for distribution on various channels
7) Ownership over commercial support within the various product verticals
8) Managing syndication of MoneySmart content through partners

a) Production of forecasted content
b) Adherence of all content output to best practices, tone of voice, style guides and SOPs
c) Audience growth and nurturing
d) Content format delivery and quality
e) Sponsored content revenue targets
f) Interdepartmental creative support
g) Hiring and retention of a passionate team of writers
h) Team engagement and happiness

Cultural Competencies:
* Build a positive team and family spirit
* Be Humble
* Stay Hungry
* Do more with less
* Always pursue learning and growth
* Engage, Disagree and Commit




1) 管理編輯團隊文章、圖表、影片、社交媒體和電子報
2) 確保所有文章內容或影像都能維持公司觀點和風格
3) 管理和掌控文章處理方法、風格、撰寫進度和建立標準作業流程
4) 掌握編輯團隊文章內容成效
5) 主持內文章出版會議
6) 發布和優化內容文章在不同數位平台的成效(部落格/臉書/Youtube/Line)
7) 規劃和管理業務專案
8) 與其他編輯群協同管理MoneySmart

a) 製作計劃內容
b) 所有文章內容均需恪守標準、風格和標準作業流程
c) 讀者訂閱數成長和經營
d) 企劃內容型態和數位傳遞方式
e) 企劃品牌贊助內容及達成業務目標
f) 招募並維繫編輯團隊的工作態度
g) 團隊參與度和滿意程度

* 建立正面的團隊和工作氣氛
* 謙虛
* 求知若渴
* 有效利用資源,達到更多成果
* 持續追求學習和成長
* 具備追求工作品質的人格特質


1. At least 3 years domain experience in writing and editorial governance on digital
2. In-depth knowledge of digital best practices for editorial production with SEO approach
3. Strong understanding thought leadership on content distribution
4. Knowledge in running content promotions and optimisation across multiple platforms
5. Strong command of the English language and excellent communications skills
6. Very strong interpersonal skills and team management
7. Retail level personal finance product knowledge preferred
8. Communications graduates preferred
9. Fluent in Mandarin and English, both verbal and written

1. 最少擁有3年網頁寫作和編輯經驗
2. 深入了解網頁編輯出版的最佳方案,並擁有搜尋引擎優化技巧
3. 了解內容行銷如何運作,優化不同社群行銷平台(Facebook/Line/Youtube)
4. 精通英語和有優良溝通技巧
5. 擁有優秀的人際關係技巧和團隊管理技巧;
6. 擁有個人理財產品知識者優先
7. 傳播系畢業生優先
8. 精通國語和英語,且能流利書寫和以口語交談
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Logo of MoneySmart Group.

About us started life as a mortgage comparison company operating under the brand We have since expanded beyond mortgages to help consumers maximize their financial decisions by putting the power in their hands to compare loans, insurance, and credit cards.

Our Vision is to be everyone’s trusted personal finance coach; empowering you to confidently plan, play and win financially in life.

Today, MoneySmart Group is the largest financial portal in the Southeast Asia region, operating in Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and currently going through rapid expansion in Taiwan through our brands, MoneySmart.ID, and!

Our team is what sets us apart. We have an open, collaborative, and innovative culture where we value diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We believe in winning together and having fun along the way.

Cultural Competencies :
* Build a positive team and family spirit
* Engage, disagree and commit
* Be humble
* Do more with less
* Always pursue learning and growth
* Stay hungry and take ownership


Entry level
40K ~ 60K TWD / month