1. 3年以上的 UI/UX 設計經驗,需附上相關作品連結
2. UI視覺設計及使用者研究工作經驗相關
3. 優秀美術底功、創意及視覺審美能力、掌握網頁設計能力
4. 具有數位行銷和數據分析經驗
5. 區塊鏈「虛擬貨幣」及「遊戲產品」相關經驗
Morgan Philips is a global talent solutions provider with over 600 consultants in 22 countries. Founded in 2013 in Paris, we've grown rapidly through the opening of new offices in key locations. In Asia, we have close to 150 employees across 8 offices and provide top-quality services across 15 industries to over 1000 clients. We leverage our powerful global database, Club5000 network, and research centers staffed by talent mapping experts to provide unparalleled access to top-tier talent for our clients.
Asia Offices:
Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai.
Our Brand in Taiwan: