鉅展事業有限公司 cover image
Logo of 鉅展事業有限公司.
Logo of 鉅展事業有限公司.


Logo of 鉅展事業有限公司.
Logo of 鉅展事業有限公司.

Company summary




Nakamoto Industrial Co. is a specialized trading company that has been dealing with the distribution of automotive components since 1980. Our company supplies a wide range of finished and semi-finished parts under various brands and our products are currently being supplied to over 90 countries. Our head office is located in Neihu, Taipei, warehouse in Keelung and branch office in Hangzhou, China. 

Our job openings require strong sales and communication skills. We have a growing presence in the automotive aftermarket and is always looking for potential job candidates. The contact will be in charge of a group of customers under one of our sales teams. Our company offers strong job independence and a friendly work culture that is suitable for those that plans to have long and stable careers.

Products or services


Gaskets & Sealing

Rubber Parts

Suspension & Steering

Engine Parts

Brake Parts


Transmission & Drivetrain

Engine Management



Sincere Service 

Spirited Supplier 

Secure Source

Employee benefits

◆ 獎金福利類

1. 績效紅利 (每季發放)

2. 年終獎金、年度調薪

3. 每月不休假獎金、加班費

4. 年終尾牙、優秀同仁表揚

◆ 津貼/補助類

1. 健檢全額補助 (依年資 $5,000~$15,000) ※助理職除外

2. 旅遊補助 (依年資逐年調增) ※助理職除外

3. 汽/機車位停車補助

4. 結婚祝賀金、生育祝賀金、喪葬弔唁金

5. 特約診所優惠減免

◆ 制度/保險類

1. 團保意外險 (到職三個月起投保,由公司全額負擔)

2. 內外部豐富教育訓練

3. 勞保、健保、6%退休金提撥

◆ 娛樂休閒類

1. Family Day

2. 慶生會 & Xmas Party

3. 不定期豐富下午茶/零食/水果

◆ 優質工作環境

1. 寬敞質感辦公空間、精心設計同仁座位

2. 免費現磨咖啡,另有冰箱、微波爐、電鍋、電熱保溫箱、飲水機

3. 女性專屬:愛心衛生棉/護墊


1. 週休二日

2. 比照勞基法規定


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HR Manager
★ NAKAMOTO 強力徵求充滿創意和熱情的品牌設計助理 ★ 我們的團隊夥伴具有正面積極、開放多元、積極創新的特質, 公司致力於打造同仁能發揮所長的舞台,並深耕品牌行銷、著力新品開發、強化數位整合。 歡迎具有理想的你/妳,加入我們的優秀團隊,一起創造精彩的品牌故事! | 工作內容 | ▸ 協助設計專員完成行銷文宣設計 (官網 Banner / 社群貼文 / 展會海報 / EDM 等) ▸ ...
Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan
33K ~ 38K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility