Octopus™ is a new generation omni-channel retail solution, which provides a holistic experience for your business. We provide a robust and scalable suite of retail management system that understands your business. Octopus has a user-friendly interface packed with sophisticated features, which gives you control and management over your business.
Octopus 為國際化的 SaaS 解決方案軟體商,提供新一代、全方位、全通路的零售管理解決方案。我們可以為企業導入堅實且可容易擴張的架構系統,在零售產業深耕20餘年,藉由使用者設計完善、整合多樣功能性的零售及週邊方案系統,能夠幫助加速零售產業數位化、提升企業工作效率。
本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『服務至上,產品創新,技術提升』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長。 Octopus Retail Management Pte. Ltd. 總部設於新加坡,在斯里蘭卡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、中國、美國及台灣設有分公司,同時在世界各地有代理商。
iOS Retail & Food POS and other iOS Retail Management Systems
OMO service