克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab cover image
Logo of 克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab.
Logo of 克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab.

克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab

Logo of 克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab.
克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab
Logo of 克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab.
克耐得資訊有限公司 Onramp Lab

Tóm tắt về công ty

As an AI first company, here at Onramp Lab our team excels across 3 specialized divisions.

Our conversational AI division pioneers cutting edge customer engagement solutions.

The publishing team focuses on sidehustles.com empowering global entrepreneurs with innovative content.

Our AI driven media buying division optimizes campaigns for maximum ROI across digital channels with expertise in lead generation, referrals, and affiliates.

We deliver exceptional results in social media video, programmatic advertising and content generation.

We're on the lookout for passionate, creative minds to join us in taking our AI Conversational Platform, a market leader, to new heights. Our system isn't just a tool; it's a catalyst for redefining how businesses engage with their customers!

→Read more about what we've been up to here: https://bit.ly/2GqnmNK

作為一家以AI為先的公司,我們的 Onramp Lab 團隊在三個專業部門中表現卓越。


出版團隊專注於 sidehustles.com,為全球企業家提供創新內容。




Sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ


1. Owned-and-Operated Verticals

Onramp Lab has multiple owned-and-operated, direct-to-consumer verticals spanning across categories from Bridal to Finance. We have extensive experience in building products from the ground up with a track record of becoming profitable early on. We have since evolved into providing performance-based advertising solutions to marketers in each of our verticals on a pay-per-lead, pay-per-sale, and pay-per-call basis.

2. Partnerships

What others called joint ventures, we called partnerships, because we actively roll up our sleeves and work alongside founders to build their companies together.

3. Growth Services

We provide full-service digital marketing strategies and execution for our partners focusing on optimizing ROI and ad-spend with a performance-based approach.

4. Investments

Along with the efforts of our US-based investment executives, we have selectively invested in 8 different venture capital funds with portfolio companies across major innovation hubs including Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tokyo, and Southeast Asia regions. On top of that, we also invest opportunistically in early-stage companies.

1. 自有品牌(Owned-and-Operated Verticals)

Onramp Lab全權擁有數個DTC模式的品牌及公司,其橫跨了婚紗、房地產及安全防護軟體產業。我們在完整的產品打造,並使其快速獲利方面具有非常豐富的經驗,同時,我們的服務範疇現亦包含提供績效導向的廣告方案予有涉足此三大產業類別的行銷業者,藉由導入集客式自然流量,我們的夥伴能夠更有效地開拓新生意以及提升轉換率。

2. 合資夥伴(Partnership)

業界所謂的合資企業(Joint Venture),Onramp Lab稱之為合資夥伴,因為我們堅信和合夥人一起參與經營新創的過程是極其重要的。我們提供早期新創從零到一所需要的品牌策略、產品開發與優化、以及行銷上的建議和執行。

3. 企業加速成長(Growth Services)

提供合作企業及品牌全方位的數位行銷策略規劃,並實際操作、監督廣告成效。我們採用績效行銷手法(Performance Marketing),並專注於提升ROI、ROAS,以優化廣告預算和營收成長為目標。

4. 新創投資(Investment)


Quyền lợi nhân viên


  • Annual salary: 13 months guarantee or above
    保障年薪13個月 (第13個月獎金發放資格必須服務到當年度12月31日止,服務不滿一年依照比例計算)


  • Annual leave of 10 days and above
    過試用期即享有年假(第一年10天,由到職月依比例計算, 試用期滿前請假規定依照勞基法)
  • 5 days paid sick leave per year


  • Labor insurance / National health insurance/ pension plan


  • Free snack bar 歡樂飲料點心/吧
  • Monthly Happy Hour 每月Party Night (聘請專屬調酒師到公司服務!)
  • Private Studio 專屬員工的休息空間 (內有吧檯、定期更新遊戲的VR&Switch 及飛鏢機!)
  • Workout After Work 一週兩次的運動課程 
  • Annual Company Outing 年度員工旅遊
  • Free massage service 每月員工免費按摩服務
  • Friendly and happy working environment 人性化管理與愉悅的工作環境
  • Employee referral bonus 員工介紹獎金


  • Employee development plan by leadership training, cross-function transfer
  • International working attitude and environment
  • 專業化與國際化視野培養


  • Work with talents from diverse countries/backgrounds
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