
Job Description

1. 協助總監跟進內部業務相關事宜,外部對接合作

2. 市場數據彙整及相關報表操作

3. 會議安排/記錄/統籌/翻譯

4. 跟進部門的招聘需求和進度、人員名單、組織架構等


1. 日語熟練四個技能, 中文/英文日常溝通

2. 有市場/運營相關經驗

3. 表格、報告彙整能力

4. 較強的交際能力、處理能力

5. 做事認真、細心、負責

Interview process


3 years of experience required
3,000 ~ 4,500 USD / month
Managing 15+ staff
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About us

Optima Total Solutions Inc is located in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Office address is at Robinsons Summit Center, 6783 Ayala Avenue. A modern office building with living apartments and shopping centers around. The brand has branches in regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines and Thailand with 3 different products for different target markets such as Japan, Korean, Europe. Our service network covers the world, committed to creating diverse, innovative, and secure entertainment experiences for global customers.

Optima Total Solutions Inc 位於菲律賓馬尼拉首都最大的中央商務區馬卡蒂市。辦公地址位於Robinsons Summit Center, 6783 Ayala Avenue。現代化的辦公樓,周圍有生活公寓和購物中心。該品牌在香港、台灣、菲律賓、泰國等地區設有分公司,針對日本、韓國、歐洲等不同目標市場推出3種不同產品。我們的服務網絡覆蓋全球,致力於為全球客戶打造多元化、創新、安全的娛樂體驗。


Mid-Senior level
4.5K ~ 6K USD / month

Mid-Senior level
3.8K ~ 4.5K USD / month