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產品經理 / Product Manager

Job updated 4 months ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

Key Responsibilities

● Defining of prioritized product roadmap based on key business drivers, competitor analysis and user-driven research, availability of technical resources in discussion with the Senior Leadership Team

● Delivery of product requirements to support the vision of product roadmap

● Development of business cases to demonstrate the benefits of the roadmap and measurement of subsequent level of success through predetermined KPIs

● Acquisition of a complete functional understanding of the systems and platforms required to facilitate the end to end customer experience

● Daily interaction with internal and external development partners to clarify development requirements and to drive development and third-party integrations in an agile environment

● Daily interaction with the internal QA team to ensure features are delivered as expected including user-acceptance testing of new developments

● Research, define, recommend and implement digital specific innovation across the customer experience

● Seek input from external and internal stakeholders and keep abreast of industry and sector best practice

● Awareness of regulatory environments and the associated impact on the product and customer experience


Requirements :
● Minimum of 3 years’ experience in software product management
● Experience with the agile methodology of software development.
● Complete digital technical & functional understanding
● Experience in defining business requirements in the context of software and application development from a customer viewpoint
● Strong analytical and product management skills required, including a thorough understanding of how to interpret customer business needs and translate them into application and operational requirements
● Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines
● Excellent verbal and written communication skills with strong attention to detail
● Knowledge and experience of working with scrum agile delivery methods
● Experience of working with UI/UX teams
● Proven record of successful product delivery

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我們是致力於打造混合多雲(Hybrid Multicloud) 智慧維運解決方案,實踐數位轉型的專家。

 奔騰網路 成立於 2017 年,在 2020 年入圍新創之星。我們的使命是讓各型企業客戶均能藉助奔騰的跨雲工具擁抱混合多雲(Hybrid Multicloud)的 IT 架構,協助企業客戶簡化混合多雲服務的維運、提高維運效率、增強基礎架構可管理性,進而提升終端客戶之服務體驗,並使企業客戶藉此數位轉型及真實獲益。我們同時提供各大公有雲之雲端服務代理服務,亦通過 ISO 27001 資安認證,在AWS、Azure、GCP、Cloudflare 及 CheckPoint 等各大公雲積累多年雲端整合顧問服務經驗。


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Mid-Senior level
70K+ TWD / month