We are looking for an outstanding Senior UI Designer to join the Positive Grid product development team. Here, you will work with a group of music enthusiasts to create industry-leading products.
In this role, you will work closely with product managers to define design requirements and oversee design quality, providing clear design documentation to the engineering team. You will be responsible for defining the visual style of the product and presenting high-quality design proposals. Most importantly, you need to have creativity, be able to explore unknown territories, and turn concepts into reality.
As we are expanding into the AI field, you need to be familiar with and adept at using AI-generated content (AIGC) and integrating it into the design workflow. You should have excellent visual and user interface design skills, as well as user-centered design principles. You have a strong preference for consistency, color usage, and typography, and have a keen eye for detail. Your designs will be seen by musicians around the world and inspire their creativity.
【Typical Accountabilities】
-Define the product's design language and present outstanding visual proposals.
-Collaborate with designers, product managers, engineers, and cross-functional stakeholders to understand requirements and provide clear design documentation.
-Establish and maintain design systems, guidelines, and UI libraries, organizing them into products to ensure UI consistency.
-Integrate AI-generated content (AIGC) into the design workflow.
-Work with product managers and user researchers to plan product development strategies and help identify user needs.
Positive Grid:搖滾你的未來,開創音樂科技新紀元
嘿!你有沒有想過,音樂和科技會碰撞出什麼樣的火花?在Positive Grid,我們不僅是音樂的傳遞者,更是音樂科技的先驅。無論你是音樂迷還是科技控,這裡絕對是讓你實現夢想的地方!
在Positive Grid,我們擁有一支世界級的音樂科技工程師團隊。他們不僅擁有頂尖的技術,還對音樂充滿無限熱情。我們每天都在創新,推出領先的智慧樂器應用程序,讓音樂科技的未來充滿無限可能。我們的目標不僅是科技創新,更要創造引領音樂科技產品的潮流。
在這裡,你將與產業中的各路精英並肩作戰,感受音樂與科技的完美融合。我們打造了一個專為工程師設計的音樂平台,讓你在這裡挑戰自我,實現音樂科技夢想。無論你是音樂家還是工程師,只要滿懷熱情,你就會在Positive Grid找到你的閃耀舞台,讓我們一起搖滾未來!
Positive Grid的產品Spark自從上市以來,已經在全球賣出超過70萬台!憑藉其卓越的音質和創新功能,Spark已經改變了樂手們的練習方式,並且激發了無數的創作靈感。
我們知道員工是公司最寶貴的資產。因此,Positive Grid為員工提供每週一天的遠端工作機會和每天彈性上下班時間。我們希望透過這種靈活的方式,為大家創造一個幸福且平衡的工作環境。
那麼,你還在等什麼?立即加入Positive Grid,與我們一起搖滾音樂科技的未來、探索工程創新與音樂創造力的無限可能。在這裡,每一個想法和靈感都有改變世界的潛力。