Graphic Designer

Job updated over 1 year ago

Job Description

1. Mahir dalam menggunakan berbagai aplikasi Adobe, dan corel draw

2. Dapat menciptakan sebuah gambar atau mengedit sesuai kemauan kami

3. Dapat Mengatur foto Feeds Instagram ataupun e-commerce kami dengan baik dan menarik

4. Bisa Fotografi dan Videografi


1. Pengalaman dalam graphic design minimal 1 tahun

2. Menguasai berbagai aplikasi untuk mengedit gambar atau video

3. Kreatif

4. Terbuka untuk belajar berbagai hal baru (mengoperasikan mesin digital sablon, dan bordir)

5. Mampu untuk bekerja dalam situasi apapun

Interview process


1 years of experience required
4,000,000 ~ 6,000,000 IDR / month
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Logo of the organization.
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35K ~ 50K TWD / month
Logo of the organization.
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4.5M ~ 6M IDR / month
Logo of PT. Babyhai Sahabat Anda.

About us

PT Babyhai Sahabat Anda is a company engaged in the production of baby supplies to the needs of pregnant women, Babyhai was founded in 2008, and until now babyhai has changed its name 2 times. Currently Babyhai has 2 brands on the market, namely the “Babyhai” brand and the “Bebibo” brand.

Babyhai started with a sense of desire to meet the needs of babies and pregnant women, Babyhai on government regulations …. and dated ….. has changed from being a UMKM to a Company Babyhai’s business has continued to grow from its beginnings production of baby clothes into the production of all kinds bedding baby.

Products from Babyhai have spread across several markets in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta as a producer that puts forward maternal and infant health for baby equipment and For the needs of pregnant women, BabyHai goes through several long stages and certifications. Currently Babyhai wants to serve all customers well and become the best product in this country.

To support the product to be the best, Babyhai uses embroidery machines with 6 and 12 eyes, Apart from better quality, it will also save time in the production of babyhai goods.

Manufacturing companies must apply the process of working on an item to be more effective. A good system in a manufacturing company is the application of a lean manufacturing system. The application of this system will increase worker productivity, have efficiency values, and excel in company operations.


4M ~ 6M IDR / month