Job updated 4 months ago

Job Description

Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

1. Melakukan filling / dokumentasi seluruh dokumen dengan rapi dan teratur.

2. Mengurus reimbursement dan Payment.

3. Menyediakan stock barang GA sesuai dengan standard stok yang berlaku (barang Rumah Tangga Kantor, ATK, dll.) untuk memastikan pemenuhan kebutuhan barang GA pada saat diperlukan.

4. Melakukan stock opname barang GA secara berkala



1. Perempuan Usia Max.30 tahun.

2. Pendidikan Minimal SMK/D3.

3. Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 1 tahun (Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar).

4. Menguasai Komputer (Microsoft Office).

5. Iinisiatif, jujur, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab.

6. Bersedia ditempatkan di PIK 2.

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4.2M ~ 5.2M IDR / month
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About us

PT. Indo Heavy Equipment has obtained qualifications in import licensing and Wholesale Trade, including: New Car Wholesale Trade, Land Transportation Equipment Wholesale Trade (Non-Cars, Motorcycles, and the like), Spare Parts Trading, Petroleum, as well as Leasing and Special Sales Business.

Since the establishment of PT. Indo Heavy Equipment, has established cooperative relationships with the following Companies: Sinotruk, SANY, XCMG, Shantui, Sinopec, LiuGong, and other Chinese companies providing Heavy Equipment and Tire Manufacturing, Construction Machinery, Energy Industry, and leading Chinese companies other.

Currently PT. Indo Heavy Equipment has officially obtained agency rights for Sinotruk, Shantui, and LiuGong products.


Mid-Senior level
8M ~ 10M IDR / month

Entry level
7M ~ 8M IDR / month