Calling customer before the due date as a payment reminder
Daily Collect the outstanding repayment from customers through the call
Calling delinquent customers after due date as a payment demand
Maximizing credit collection effectiveness by active contacting customer, and collection promise to pay
Helping customers on payment services and explain about our financial service
Maintaining good relationships with customers
Doing administrative tasks related
Candidate must possess at least a High School or Diploma or Bachelor Degree in any field
Maximum Age 30 years old
Required language: English, Bahasa Indonesia
Required skills: Communication, Collection, Negotiation, Customer data Management
At least 1 Years of working experience in desk collection for banking / Financial Institution
Familiar with collection strategies, and creative in negotiating repayment terms and method
Can Work under pressure, detailed, and meet target
Willing to work in shifting schedule and willing to take extra time if haven't Achieve the Daily target
JULO adalah salah satu platform kredit digital di Indonesia yang berizin dan berada dalam pengawasan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
Misi JULOMenjadi penyedia layanan kredit digital terpercaya dan paling mudah diakses dengan fitur terlengkap dan paling dibutuhkan masyarakat Indonesia.
Visi JULOMembuat masyarakat Indonesia semakin berdaya secara finansial dan mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup melalui inklusi finansial dengan akses kredit digital.