PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur cover image
Logo of PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur.
Logo of PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur.

PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur

Logo of PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur.
PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur
Logo of PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur.
PT. Mega Kharisma Makmur

Company summary

PT MKM was founded in 2011 with the objective of providing Indonesia’s rapid electricity infrastructure development with high-quality conductors and cables delivered quickly to clients.

Since then, PT MKM has been manufacturing a wide array of conductors and cables for use in low to extra high voltage transmissions and delivered them for installations all across the archipelago.

Products or services

PT MKM was founded in 2011 with the objective of providing Indonesia’s rapid electricity infrastructure development with high-quality conductors and cables delivered quickly to clients.

Since then, PT MKM has been manufacturing a wide array of conductors and cables for use in low to extra high voltage transmissions and delivered them for installations all across the archipelago.



To become a leading and reputable cable manufacturer in Indonesia.


  • To manufacture high quality cables and to provide speediest delivery with superior value and outstanding service for our customers.
  • To strive for excellent through cross-functional teamwork and continuous improvement.

Employee benefits

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

BPJS Kesehatan

Employee Gathering

Car Ownership Program

Tugas & tanggung jawab: Melakukan aktivitas kesekretariatan Perusahaan. Membuat laporan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Perusahaan. Mengupayakan kelancaran pelaksanaan agenda kegiatan Direk...
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
3 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified