1. 實時掌握Web3、區塊鏈、加密貨幣產業動態,並具有深刻見解。
2. 熟悉Defi原理及常見玩法,具有相應的經濟學、金融學、行銷學等基礎。
3. 針對NFT領域有深度的了解,能夠產出完整的研究分析報告,對業務發展起到一定的影響作用。
4. 配合運營增長團隊,提升品牌影響力,帶動平台業績增長。
• 具備流暢的中英文寫作能力,進行持續且穩定的內容輸出。
• 有長期經營個人blog / 其他自媒體優先,履歷中請附帶作品連結。
• 個性開朗,責任心強,有良好的溝通能力、學習能力和邏輯能力。
• 對區塊鏈產業有高度熱忱。
TRON is dedicated to accelerating the decentralization of the internet via blockchain technology and decentralized applications (dApps). Founded in September 2017 by H.E. Justin Sun, the TRON network has continued to deliver impressive achievements since MainNet launch in May 2018. July 2018 also marked the ecosystem integration of BitTorrent, a pioneer in decentralized services boasting nearly 100M monthly active users. The TRON network has gained incredible traction in recent years, with over 69 million users on the blockchain and upwards of 2.7 billion transactions. In addition, TRON hosts the largest circulating supply of stablecoins across the globe, overtaking USDT on Ethereum in April 2021. The TRON network completed full decentralization in Dec 2021 and is now a purely community-governed DAO.