新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司 cover image
Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.
Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.


Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.
Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.

Company summary

RHINOSHIELD is an accessories brand which offers superior protection for its customer's devices.

Established in 2012, and driven by creative ingenuity, RHINOSHILED continues to evolve by seeking out new materials, focusing on sustainability, and being a leader in customization.

As a changemaker in the industry, the reputation of our product technology, like the ShockSpread™ material, makes us stand out from the crowd. Our enviable status has helped us form valuable bonds with both iconic brands, and cool indie artists alike.

Today, RHINOSHIELD has a growing global reach, with products sold across Asia, North America and Europe. Near a million customers have signed up for loyalty and other bonuses via our official website and retail stores, and we cultivate twice this number of followers across major social media platforms.

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Products or services

由英國劍橋大學材料系博士及材料科學研究人員組成 ,以追求創新的材質與技術為目標,結合有趣的想法和創意,研發出讓人眼睛為之一亮的質感商品。


• 犀牛盾耐衝擊保護貼、3D壯撞貼

• 犀牛盾耐衝擊手機殼

• 犀牛盾手機鏡頭系列

• 犀牛盾Apple Watch保護殼保護貼系列

• 犀牛盾AirPods質感保護殼

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Employee benefits

[福利 Benefits]

1. 優於法令特休假 Superior annual leave
2. 優於法令病假 Superior sick leave
3. 志工假,員工參與志願服務活動,每位同仁一年一天給薪假 Volunteer Leave, Employees who engage in volunteer activities,each colleague is given one day of paid leave per year
4. 團體保險(意外、醫療、職災險、癌症險、燒燙傷、定期壽險、重大疾病險 ) Group insurance (Accident, medical, occupational disaster insurance, cancer insurance, burns , scalds , term life insurance , major disease insurance )
5. 彈性工時 Flexible working hours
6. 員工購物折扣及補助 Employee purchase discount & subsidy
7. 健康檢查 Health check
8. 部門聚餐 Department dine together
9. 春酒不用表演,專心享用美食即可Enjoyable Spring Party
10. 員工協助方案 Employee Assistance Program(EAP)
11. 職工福利委員會(福利補助、春節禮金/端午/中秋/勞動/聖誕節/生日禮卷、特約商店) Employee Welfare Committee(EWC)(Welfare Benefit、Festival Rewards、Birthday Gift、Designated Stores)
12. 醫師臨場健康服務 Physician onsite health services


This is a one-year contract position due to parental leave, with a contract duration from 2024/10~2025/09. [General Responsibilities] - Develop and cooperate with Thailand influencers and KOC accor...
43K ~ 50K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

[基本職責] 1. 基礎產品資料系統 API 設計 開發產品基礎資料與前端介接所提供的 API 以提供資料在各方需求的唯一資料源。 目的為建構出產品最基礎資料的底層實作。 2. 產品資料內外部 API 串接 串接包含第三方服務 API 以達到未來達到產品上架流程自動化。 目的為讓產品上架流程可以由自行建置的後台統一管理。 3. Data 和 Schema 設計 提供基礎產品資料必須由正規化後...
南港區, 台北市, 台灣
40K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

[General Responsibilities] -Plan and execute content strategies tailored to the South Korea market, incorporating company initiatives, recent events and cultural nuances. -Localize international ev...
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

[General Responsibilities] -Influencer Marketing: Develop and foster relationships with influencers and communities in accordance with regional directions for brand preference and/ or sales revenue...
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

[基本職責] 1. 開發及維護官方網站 2. 協助內部相關管理系統開發設計 3. 協助跨服務系統架構串接 4. 改善系統效能及穩定性,並透過測試協助系統重構 5. 發揮創意並結合技術力落地商業價值影響力 [職位要求] 1. 具 3 年以上網頁開發經驗 2. 具 SSR 開發經驗 3. 具備基礎網頁安全相關知識 4. 具備自動化測試撰寫經驗 5. 熟悉 Vue 3、Nuxt 3、TypeScr...
408台灣台中市南屯區, 115台灣台北市南港區
40K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility