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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

1. 開發及維護官方網站
2. 協助內部相關管理系統開發設計
3. 協助跨服務系統架構串接
4. 改善系統效能及穩定性,並透過測試協助系統重構
5. 發揮創意並結合技術力落地商業價值影響力

1. 具 3 年以上網頁開發經驗
2. 具 SSR 開發經驗
3. 具備基礎網頁安全相關知識
4. 具備自動化測試撰寫經驗
5. 熟悉 Vue 3、Nuxt 3、TypeScript
6. 熟悉 Utility-First CSS (我們使用 Unocss)
7. 熟悉 Git 版控經驗及相關開發流程

1. 有 Shopify 開發經驗
2. 有國際化 (l18n、l10n) 的實務經驗
3. 有 CI/CD 開發設計經驗
4. 有 Node.js, Nest.js 專案開發經驗
5. 有 Side Project 或者技術部落格
6. 有電商產業經驗

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Diperlukan pengalaman selama 3 tahun
40,000 ~ 100,000 TWD / bulan
Pilihan Kerja Remote
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Tentang Kami

RHINOSHIELD is an accessories brand which offers superior protection for its customer's devices.

Established in 2012, and driven by creative ingenuity, RHINOSHILED continues to evolve by seeking out new materials, focusing on sustainability, and being a leader in customization.

As a changemaker in the industry, the reputation of our product technology, like the ShockSpread™ material, makes us stand out from the crowd. Our enviable status has helped us form valuable bonds with both iconic brands, and cool indie artists alike.

Today, RHINOSHIELD has a growing global reach, with products sold across Asia, North America and Europe. Near a million customers have signed up for loyalty and other bonuses via our official website and retail stores, and we cultivate twice this number of followers across major social media platforms.

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40 rb ~ 100 rb TWD / bulan

Level Pemula
30 rb ~ 100 rb TWD / bulan

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40 rb ~ 80 rb TWD / bulan