Founded in 2019, Rooit has 1.2M users around the world, creates 300K+ matches every month. Rooit is backed by Rakuten, Techstars Accelerator, Expara Venture and more.
Rooit’s mission is to make everyone find a confidant, end loneliness.Rooit is moving forward to become the No.1 Web3 Friend-making app based on Ethereum. Users can create their own identity, stories and earn $STAR tokens by raising their alien pet.
自從 2017 年中上線以來,我們的 App 已經超過 120 萬人註冊,用戶遍佈全球,包含台灣、香港、馬來西亞、美國、印度。目前用戶成長快速,以服務更廣大的全球用戶,相信透過不段的努力最佳化,會為我們帶來一波接一波的成長。