1. 透過網路技能開發海外市場。
2. 英文文案撰寫與客戶溝通,規劃商品線上線下銷售活動。
3. 輸入、處理並追蹤客戶訂單,並將訂單資料存檔備份。
4. 海外市場資料收集、分析。
5. 具有客戶思維,配合客戶時程進行網路行銷策略擬定與執行。
6. 掌握庫存管理&生產管理。
7. 規劃網路內容、服務及活動,並定期更新、維護及管理
8. 確認產品規格、出貨包裝、產品檢視
9. 每年需出差至中東、歐美或東南亞參展1-2次
10. 執行主管交辦事項
[Sales Side]
1. Find potential clients ( via emails, site visits, cold calls, online tools) and markets to achieve sales goal
2. Responsible for foreign clients and process orders
3. Be able to offer quotations and present our products to various clients; be responsible for the payment transaction of these clients
4. Communicate company vision policies, activities and products to various clients
5. Provide continuous customer care service pre & post sales
6. Handle clients’ complaints
7. Maintain company and clients’ business relationship
8. Attend Trade shows and follow up business leads
9. Processing, packaging and shipping orders accurately
10. Execute the director’s instructions
[Marketing Side]
1. Market analysis, competitors survey, business strategy planning, product line-up planning (this will require some project management skills)
2. Marketing direction planning
3. Channel strategy setting and management
4. Advertising and promotion strategy planning
1. 有國貿經驗者優先錄取、熟悉Apple Mac作業系統尤佳
2. 擁有顧客思維,瞭解使用者在想什麼
3. 對科技和儀器有興趣,喜歡主動學習
4. Self-driven motivation. Curiosity and Entrepreneurship are encouraged.
5. Fluency in speaking, writing, listening English is required.
6. Super smart that demonstrates fast learning abilities
Scarlet Tech是一間專注利用物聯網和新科技改善勞工安全和各項環境數據監控的新創公司,我們的客戶遍及全世界,包括美國財星500大公司、SpaceX、Emirates Airlines、好萊塢電影製片廠、Samsung、SAAB等,需要對國外客戶開發充滿熱忱的人才,溝通反應快,每年有二到三次的海外出差機會,我們用了大量的工具增加效率,公司採取美式溝通方式,需要聰明、可自主管理的人才。
Our growing company is searching for a Marketing Assistant who can offer reliable support to the sales team and help improve efficiency as sales volume increases. The coordinator will be responsible for maintaining regular contact with larger customers, ensuring that all sales documents and agreements are completed before they are filed and updating the customer contact information as needed. If you have previous logistics and admin experiences and you’re interested in taking your career to the next level, we encourage you to apply today.
1. Trello
2. Hotjar
3. MailChimp
4. 溝通工具:Slack
5. 具使用者思維
Scarlet Tech 星竑科技致力於透過科技為全球勞工打造更安全的勞動工作環境,主要產品熱中暑偵測儀,結合醫學理論和物聯網科技,同時可偵測環境中的風速、濕度及溫度,讓企業能在後台監控這些數值,提供勞工更安全的工作環境。
Scarlet Tech從中東市場出發,客戶遍及中東、北歐、澳洲和東南亞等地,阿聯酋航空、三星及現代汽車等知名企業都使用 Scarlet Tech 的服務。