Research and develop video analysis algorithm for IP Camera product line:
- Study and research video analysis algorithm
- Develop and deliver efficient video analysis functions that product and production tools need
- Experience in edge AI deployment
Sercomm has been committed to the development of broadband networking software and firmware and offers comprehensive telecom broadband solutions and is now a global leader in the industry. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Sercomm now employs thousands of people around the world. A global logistics network is now taking shape with R&D centers and production sites worldwide. Sercomm’s global operation networks are also covered in North American, European, and Asian Pacific markets, to provide great customer service.
With R&D capabilities accumulated over many years, Sercomm has successfully mastered the key technologies and market trends of the telecom broadband industry, subsequently creating products for various user groups (i.e., home, commercial, telecom, security surveillance, and cloud-based applications) that offer clients broadband products with integrated designs and solutions. Sercomm serves frontline telecom operators in Europe, America, and emerging markets, and has successfully positioned itself as a global leading provider of broadband and telecom solutions.
中磊電子股份有限公司(TWSE:5388)成立於 1992 年,自創立之初即以寬頻網路領域之軟、韌體研發作為核心價值,輔以硬體製造服務,提供全方位電信寬頻解決方案,現已為世界級寬頻設備領導廠。營運總部位於台灣台北,陸續於兩岸設立研發中心與生產製造中心,並積極國際化佈點,行銷據點遍佈北美、歐洲、中國及亞太地區,全球員工總數逾數千人。中磊持續發揮核心競爭力,歷經科技產業世代交替,屢屢締造營運佳績,在技術研發、產品品質與客戶服務也提升至更高層次。
中磊憑藉多年來累積之研發實力,成功掌握電信寬頻產業的關鍵技術與市場脈動,全系列產品涵括家用、商用、電信、安全監控、雲端應用等不同市場領域,提供客戶寬頻產品之整合設計服務。中磊佈局電信市場多年,效益逐漸顯現,主力產品如:整合型 IAD 產品(Integrated Access Devices)、商用級網通設備、FTTx 光纖級產品、Cable DOCSIS 設備、Small Cell 小型基地台及智慧物聯解決方案等,皆居市場領導地位。客戶遍佈歐美與新興市場一線電信營運商,並成功晉升國際供應商之列。公司不僅以卓越的軟體整合技術增進硬體產品的附加價值,協助客戶提升市場佔有率,更基於對客戶的承諾與責任感,中磊多項新技術、新產品自設計初期,即投入研發資源與客戶共同開發;同時,在生產製造、品質控管、客戶服務等皆力求效率與品質的最佳化,全面提升客戶滿意度。