ShopBack was born one night in 2014 when co-founders Henry and Joel were toying around (with entrepreneurial ideas) in Henry's car. Their brainstorming session sparked the concept of a more rewarding way to shop, starting with the idea of earning online Cashback.
From those late-night musings emerged the ShopBack Group, now the leading shopping, rewards, and payments platform in Asia-Pacific. With over 45 million shoppers across 12 markets (and counting!), ShopBack now facilitates more than half a million transactions daily for over 20,000 online and in-store partners.
Fresh off its debut in the European market, ShopBack is on the lookout for thrill-seekers to embark on this exhilarating journey to build The World's Most Rewarding Way to Shop. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime: a blend of startup spirit woven into a solid business foundation.
Warning: Not for the faint-hearted. Possible side effects may include spending more on shopping (but don't worry — you earn Cashback).
ShopBack Values
S - Succeed as One
H - Honor Our Customers
O - Own the Problem
P - Pave New Roads
B - Be Better Every Day
A - Always Be Curious
C - Can't is Not an Option
K - Keep It Real
◼️ 多元自由的公司文化
你是貓派還是狗派?喜歡喝咖啡還是喝茶?打籃球、羽毛球還是排球?快來 ShopBack 尋找志同道合的夥伴🤗
◼️ 扁平開放的組織、透明公開的公司資訊
有話我們當面說,每個月的 Town Hall 也讓你有問必答📢
◼️ 與來自全世界優秀聰明的夥伴共事
我們的團隊都來自全球頂尖的公司,如Google、Slack、LinkedIn、Alibaba、Tencent、Bytedance、Shopee、Uber、ZALORA、P&G、McKinsey、Visa、Paypal; 加入我們,一起打造世界級的產品吧!🤩
◼️ 有競爭力的薪資
優於市場平均的薪資待遇+年度績效獎金+股票選擇權,讓你的能力 & 努力與報酬成正比📈
◼️ 彈性的工作模式
採 Hybrid混和型工作模式,週一~三Office Day,週四~五Remote Work! 💼
◼️ Work Hard, Play Hard
俗話說:休息是為了走更長遠的路,我們提供特休14天、生日假1天、Additional Time Off 5天、全薪病假15天、Work From Anywhere 30天;提升可運用時間的廣度,打造Work-life Balence的快樂生活!🚶🚶
◼️ 各方面都為你著想
盪鞦韆、草皮休息區、任你打的乒乓球;零食吃到飽、飲料當然也喝到飽!! 🥳