1. 軟體功能手動測試、測試管理與bug管理
2. 測試計畫、測試項目與技術文件撰寫
3. 軟體測試工具與自動化測試開發
4. 執行其他交辦事項、協助各類活動等其他事宜
1. 資工資管資科相關科系學生,管理學院商學院對程式設計有一定程度了解者亦可
2. 對軟體開發、軟體測試、資訊安全有興趣或經驗者
3. 大三或研究生以上有打工經驗者佳
4. 對以下任一有經驗者佳:Web or App開發/測試、自動化爬蟲開發、自動化軟體測試、手動軟體測試、測試項目撰寫、網路管理、修過網路安全實作或是安全證照相關的課程
5. 具備 ISO、Cisco、AWS相關證照/知識者尤佳!
1. 工作日期:約三月初入職,為期至少六個月
2. 排班方式:每週至少24小時 (至少兩全天)
3. 每日工作時間:9:30~18:30 (可彈性調整)
4. 時薪 182 元
ShopBack was born one night in 2014 when co-founders Henry and Joel were toying around (with entrepreneurial ideas) in Henry's car. Their brainstorming session sparked the concept of a more rewarding way to shop, starting with the idea of earning online Cashback.
From those late-night musings emerged the ShopBack Group, now the leading shopping, rewards, and payments platform in Asia-Pacific. With over 45 million shoppers across 12 markets (and counting!), ShopBack now facilitates more than half a million transactions daily for over 20,000 online and in-store partners.
Fresh off its debut in the European market, ShopBack is on the lookout for thrill-seekers to embark on this exhilarating journey to build The World's Most Rewarding Way to Shop. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime: a blend of startup spirit woven into a solid business foundation.
Warning: Not for the faint-hearted. Possible side effects may include spending more on shopping (but don't worry — you earn Cashback).